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本系统还利用模糊集来处理多义词的问题。In addition, we process the polysemous problem using rough sets.

一个词的各个意义,是层积状,并不处在同一层面上。The meanings of a polysemous word are in the structure of different tiers.

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每一个语言范畴都是多义范畴,至少是具有数个潜势义项的多义范畴。Every linguistic category is a polysemous category, or it is one that contains several potential senses.

本文就多义名词、同形异义名词以及单、复数名词的语义模糊性进行了分析和阐述。This paper deals with the semantic fuzziness of polysemous nouns, homonymous nouns, and singular and plural nouns.

在确定多义词的中心意思的时候,词典编纂者在这方面得到了历史语言学的不少帮助。In the determination of the central meaning of a polysemous word the lexicographer is helped by historical linguistics.

认知语言学家普遍认为,多义的介词各自形成自身的语义网络。It has been widely accepted by cognitive linguists that prepositions are polysemous and they form their own semantic networks.

知识的存储形式是范畴网络,范畴网络是理解多义范畴的基础。Knowledge memorization takes the form of a category network, which serves as the basis of understanding polysemous categories.

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正确理解语境,可以解决翻译中语言多义性的问题,也可以帮助理解具体语言环境下语言的具体意义。They help to solve the polysemous problem of language and understand the specific meanings of language in the specific settings.

文本概念在西语中是一个多义词,在当代多学科的语用环境中呈普适化趋势。"Text" is a polysemous word in Western languages, and is used toward popularization in modem multidisciplinary language situations.

汉语“打”字经历了从古至今的长久发展,其意义也逐渐丰富起来。With the development of the history and the society, the Chinese character "Da" were widely used and gradually became a polysemous word.

一词多义这种显著的语言现象,广泛存在于每一种语言,日常用词中,更是如此。Polysemy is a significant language phenomenon. It appears widely in every language and common everyday words are likely to be polysemous.

同时,在汉英语对比过程中,“水”的不同词义和词义的形成过程,必然反映出汉英语所承载的文化差异。At the same time, cultural differences are reflected through the contrastive study on polysemous category of WATER in Chinese and English.

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在词义架构上,单义词语只是略占优势,而多义词也不在少数,词义架构并不简单。In terms of meaning, monosemous words take a slight lead, while polysemous words are not rare and the framework of meaning of words is not simple.

有关多义词心理表征的观点呈两个极端核心词义表征观和独立词义表征观。Views about the mental representation of polysemous senses go to two extremes∶ the core-sense representation and the separate-sense representation.

因此,如何提供有效的词义教学策略将有助于大学生对多义词比喻意义的猜测和学习。How to provide the effective strategy of teaching meanings will contribute to the guessing and retention of the figurative senses of polysemous words.

现代俄语中大量多义词的存在既从不同侧面反映了这一趋势,又为进一步研究名词转义提供了更为广阔的天地。The existence of polysemous words in Russian not only reflects such tendency but also provides broader context for the study of meaning transference of nouns.

一词多义是语言中普遍存在的现象,人们对此有广泛深入的研究,然而对方位词多义性的研究却着墨不多。As a pervasive semantic phenomenon across languages, polysemy has been given a systematic and extensive study, but there is not much attention shown to spatial polysemous words.

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以人类经验为基础,探讨旅游英语新词的产生、词义演变的内在规律,以及多义词之间的内部联系。It studies mainly the internal laws of production of new words, word meaning variation and the internal connections among the polysemous words on the basis of human experiences.

研究表明多义词的各个义项是在基本意义的基础上,通过人类认知模式,即转喻、隐喻和他们之间互动关系作用而成。It is argued that original senses of polysemous words, with the help of human cognitive mechanisms---metaphor, metonymy and interaction between them, are extended systematically.

术语的基本特征之一是一个概念有且只有一个术语命名,但是在术语的实际应用中却常常遇到同义术语。One of the basic features of terminology is that each concept has but only one term definition, while synonym- terms and polysemous terms may often appear in the everyday use of terms.