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她言语尖刻,有一张刀子般的嘴。She had an acerbic tongue.

而这些天,人们对他的评论更为尖酸。These days, the comments are more acerbic.

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而这些天,人们对他的评论更为尖酸。Norcom. These days, the comments are more acerbic.

西蒙是“美国偶像”中最尖酸刻薄的评委。Simon is the most acerbic judge on "American Idol".

经常暴露出郁闷和尖刻的性格特征。Often developed sullen and acerbic character traits.

没错,他有种尖酸刻薄的幽默感,有时会得罪人。Yes, he has an acerbic sense of humor that sometimes offends people.

有一天,备受人们说不喜,趾高气昂的印度外交部长V。One day, India's widely disliked, pompous foreign minister, the acerbic V.

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穿着传统白色披肩和长罩衫的盖尼显得尖刻并富有煽动性。Ghani, clad in a traditional white cape and tunic, was acerbic and provocative.

他们常常会有严重的癖嗜和尖刻的幽默感。They will usually be the one with a crippling addiction and an acerbic sense of humor.

剧作家允许在枯燥或华丽的散文中插入刻薄的语调。The playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose.

他又倒了杯温热的茶给你,久浸的茶叶已经发涩却生津提神。He also made a cup of tepid tea for you. The old tea-leaves tasted acerbic but perk up your spirits.

周恩来回复了一封尖刻的信,指责我们想把中华人民共和国纠缠到越南问题中去。Chou sent back an acerbic note accusing us of seeking to enmesh the people's republic in the vietnam problem.

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一瓶经过冰镇的红酒,比清凉室温下的红酒丹宁特性会更为显著,因而味道较涩。An iced red wine will have a more tannic acid character than those in chilled room temperature. So, it tastes acerbic.

但是用摄像手机、文本短信、电子邮件以及尖酸的言辞武装起来的公众则在努力地填补这一空白。But members of the public armed with camera phones, text messages, email and acerbic wit have sought to fill the void.

然而,他们的批评都非常尖锐,在批评中每个人表现得十分无情、强硬甚至尖刻。However, all of them had a very sharp tongue and were very ruthless, tough and even acerbic in criticizing other's works.

而且,重庆早报故意只挑选顾宾访谈稿中最尖刻的评论。Furthermore, the Chongqing Morning News deliberately, chose the most acerbic comments from Kubin's interview in isolation.

于是,那些过去只有尖刻的经济学家热衷的金融笑话,今天已经成为了美国人茶余饭后的最新流行。Then, the financial jest with acerbic only zealous those past economist, what had become American at one's leisure today is newfangled.

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我的“刑法”教授是史蒂夫·杜克,他是一个风趣、尖刻的人,是个好老师,我后来与他一起摘了一个关于白领犯罪的讨论会。My Criminal Law professor, Steve Duke, was a witty, acerbic man and a fine teacher with whom I later did a seminar on white-collar crime.

当然你知道我只是行使我的尖刻的性质和指导有些会要求任何强制性的蔑视开头单词“VB中”。OF course you know I'm just exercising my acerbic nature and directing what some would call obligatory disdain for anything that starts with the word "VB".

巨大的1.8米长的抽屉,装满物品也只需轻轻一推即可还原,轻盈而毫无涩感,足见其滑轨质量的可靠性。The 1.8-metre-long great drawers, full of goods also need to be pushed back one lightly, lithe without acerbic sense, signifying its ramp quality reliability.