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路易十七!哈。您在替谁流泪?Louis XVII. ! let us see. For whom do you mourn?

第十七条集体劳动保险事业的规定。Article XVII of collective labor insurance industry provides.

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发布会将在第17届国际艾滋病大会期间举办。The launch takes place at the XVII International AIDS Conference.

该萨尔维亚蒂家庭仍然是整个别墅业主十六和十七世纪。The Salviati family remained the proprietor of the villa throughout the XVI and XVII centuries.

圣菲利普号于1690年下水,凭借其强大的战斗力而成为西班牙无敌舰队的头领船。The San Felipe launched in 1690, was one of the most beautiful Spanish ships of the XVII century.

第十七题旅游者要求探视亲友应注意哪些事项?Tourists visiting friends and relatives asked questions XVII should pay attention to what matters?

第十七条大额医疗费用互助资金由公司和个人共同缴纳。XVII. The large amount of mutual medical expense fund is paid by both the company and the employee.

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这个mod是以17世纪为背景的,同时,众所周知的是波兰历史上的大洪水。The mod takes place in XVII century, in the time, that is known in the history of Poland as The Deluge.

比登登的复活节慈善会至少在十七世纪初就已经开始,这一点可以由坎特伯雷领班神父的信件可以证明。The Bidden Easter charity dates at very least to the beginning of the XVII century, as proven by the Archdeacon of Canterbury's letter.

也就是说,波兰向莫斯科提出了一条新的国界线,完全循着17世纪的旧貌,从斯摩棱斯克到基辅到维捷布斯克直到大卢基。In other words, Warsaw offered Moscow a new border from Smolensk to Kiev to Vitebsk to Velikie Luki, the way it was in the XVII century.

路易十七在巴黎圣殿骑士团寺院监狱度过了地狱般的3年,死后有人从他恶病缠身的身体中取出他的心脏,并用酒精存放起来。The heart was cut from the young boy's tumor-ridden body and pickled after Louis XVII spent three horrific years in Paris' Temple Prison.

他们这伙在热月九日还以为路易十七是统治者,在马伦哥胜利之日也还以为路易十八是统治者的人,又怎能见到这一点呢?And how should they have suspected it, they who fancied that Louis XVII. Reigned on the 9th of Thermidor, and that Louis XVIII. Was reigning at the battle of Marengo?

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代表团的任何成员有无礼的行为,可导致选手、团队或代表团失格退出锦标赛。XVII . Any discourteous behaviour from a member of an official delegation can earn the disqualification of a competitor, the entire team, or delegation from the tournament.