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他试图将煤矿的管理系统化。He tried to regularize the management of coal mines.

这使艾滋病病毒检测向“常规化”迈进了一大步。This makes HIV testing to "regularize" a major step forward.

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请问你能规范下去年的处理费吗?Can you kindly regularize handling charges of last year, please ?

它维护了消费者的权益,规范了汽车市场。It keeps the consumer's benefit and regularize automotive market.

而要规范企业年金保障职工的权利只能依靠法律手段。We should regularize occupational pension and ensure the employees' rights.

法律应规范政府对民办学校的管理行为。Law about governments administration to civilian operated schools should regularize it.

非法移民获得必要的居留证后即可使身分合法。Illegal immigrants can regularize their position by obtaining the necessary residence permit.

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在人类的情况里,男性腋窝的化学物,也有可能调整规化女性的排卵循环期。In case of human, the chemicals in the armpit of a male can regularize a female's ovulation cycling.

此外,无论是第三人利益合同的概念还是成就的条件,其规制都甚为复杂。In addition, it's really complicated to regularize both the concept and conditions for the being of the Contract.

方法应用可吸收线内固定骨碎块重建掌、指骨。Methods In order to rebuild metacarpal bone and phalange, using absorb string to inner regularize comminuted bones.

如何保证证券市场健康稳定的发展,是政府、企业和投资者关心的问题。How to develop, regularize and supervise the market has become imperative for the government, enterprises and investors.

扩大三国民间友好交流,推动三国青少年交流实现经常化、制度化。To expand the friendly exchange between civilians, regularize and institutionalize youth exchanges among the three countries.

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我认为,中国政府应当把近期的种种情况看作是一个机会,并利用这一机会更好的管理这个版块。Instead, I think China should use this as an opportunity to regularize this sector. Here are my suggestions to Chinese regulators

因此,如何规范农业资金管理与使用就成为社会普遍关注的一个重要课题。So how to regularize the use and management of the agricultural funds has become an issue drawing extensive concerns from the society.

让公司能够更加容易的将他们的公司结构正常化,然后严格的执行中国现行法律制裁那些不肯按政策重组的公司。Make it easy for firms to regularize their operations, and then strictly enforce existing Chinese laws on any companies that do not restructure.

清洁调脂—深层清洁皮肤毛孔,消除多余油份和油脂污垢物,使肌肤迅速恢复水油平衡的健康状态,减少暗疮、粉刺、黑头的形成。Clean skin and regularize fat --- Powerfully purify pores, remove surplus oil and dirt, instantly balance water and oil, prevent acne and comedones.

联合国难民事务高级专员公署敦促南非当局停止驱逐津巴布韦人,并允许他们合法居住在南非。The UN refugee agency is urging South African authorities to suspend deportation of Zimbabweans and to allow them to regularize their stay in South Africa.

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建立了超分辨率图像重建的数学模型,估计出场景在观测图像中的运动参数,选择总变分规整化克服问题的病态性得到重建结果。The image formation model is introduced, then a motion estimation algorithm is proposed, and total variation is chosen to regularize the ill- posed problem.

人际与社会节律治疗既帮助患者提高人际关系也帮助患者规划他们的日程安排。Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy helps people with bipolar disorder both to improve interpersonal relationships and to regularize their daily routines.

据美国一名高级官员透露,会谈地点星期三将转到耶路撒冷,会谈重点将是以巴沟通渠道以及定期举行对话的计划。The venue will shift to Jerusalem Wednesday to, as a senior U.S. official said, "put the focus on the Israeli-Palestinian channel and to regularize the dialogue."