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那头鹿的角被灌木钩断了。The deer had his antler broken by the bush.

在阿尔泰山,人们大面积地养殖这种有角的鹿。On the Altai the antler deer breeding has become widespread.

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他将把鹿角挂在墙上作为纪念品。He was going to hang the horns of the antler on the wall as a trophy.

梅花鹿所产的鹿茸是鹿茸中的最上品。Sika deer is a deer antler velvet produced by the most in the top grade.

根据现代医学的研究表明鹿茸具有促性腺作用。According to modern research, velvet antler has shown gonadotropic activity.

目的探索鹿茸多肽治疗骨性关节炎有效作用机制。Objective To study effective function mechanism of Pilose antler peptide on OA.

雄鹿的鹿角,过去主要用作制作氨及嗅盐的原料。The antler of a hart, formerly used as a source of ammonia and in smelling salts.

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结论本试验表明马鹿茸有性激素样作用。ConclusionThe test proved that wapiti velvet antler possesses gonadotripic effect.

从第一只准备放养的鹿身上切取的鹿茸片又是一个希望的象征。An antler shed by one of the first to be released is another of my symbols of hope.

被刻画的鹿角的结构表明其生长期处于春季或夏季。The structure of the carved antler indicates its growth stage was spring or summer.

建立梅花鹿鹿茸软骨细胞的分离培养方法,培养鹿茸软骨细胞。The methods of isolation and culture sika deer antler chondrocytes were established.

目的研究鹿茸胶囊的调脂作用。Objective To investigate the decreasing blood lipids effect of pilose antler capsule.

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加入中药鹿茸生长素各组均有促进软骨细胞有丝分裂作用。The group after added in pilose antler growth factor can improve cellular karyokinesis.

测定结果表明,鹿茸从脱盘到停止生长约为120天。The results showed that the period from antler shedding to stoping growth was about 120 days.

黄金酒加入了包括鹿茸和龟甲在内的六味中药。The liquor contains six traditional Chinese remedies, including deer antler and tortoise shell.

结果表明马鹿茸的氨基酸质量分数要高于梅花鹿茸。The results showed that amino acid content of Malu antler is higher than that of the Meihua antler.

对口服参茸安康胶囊的300例恶性肿瘤患者进行初步临床观察。On oral Ginseng-pilose antler health capsule of 300 cancer patients a preliminary clinical observation.

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鹿角脱盘为传统名贵中药鹿茸的副产品,其药用价值一直被忽视。Antler plate is a by-product of Hairy Antler and its medicinal value has been neglected for a long time.

鹿茸所包含的生长因子可以帮助身体防止老化。Deer Antler Velvet is an adaptogen and contains Growth Factors to aid the body against the aging process.

鹿角锄共有四个分叉,除其中一个分叉断了外,整体看上去十分精美。The antler hoe altogether has four furcations, except a furcation broke outside, the whole seems very fine.