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相信那句话?Believe that tex?

“没有!”特克斯说。"It is not! " said Tex.

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我怎么跟特克斯交代啊?What am I going to tell Tex?

“一个幸运的傻瓜!”特克斯说。"A lucky goofball! " said Tex.

特克斯把海报钉在墙上。Tex nailed posters onto the board.

特克斯把海报钉在墙上。Tex nailed the board with posters.

“但你答应过要还给我的。”特克斯说。"But you promised to give it back! " said Tex.

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一到家,我给了泰克斯一个大大的拥抱。The minute I got home, I gave Tex a gigantic hug.

比如说,像德州四杰,德州黄玫瑰里面一样的。You know, uh, Four for Texas, Yellow Rose of Tex.

另一个定长制纱线细度度量系统是特克斯系统。Another direct yarn numbering system is the tex system.

特克斯温特打从上赛季与犹他爵士的系列赛后就一直待在迈阿密。Tex has been M. I. A. since the Utah series last season.

他在亚瑟港长大,从不知道父亲是谁。He grew upin Port Arthur, Tex., never knowing his father.

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湖人资深顾问德克斯温特打算要参加本次盛会。Longtime Lakers consultant Tex Winter is planning to attend.

“我知道,”特克斯说,“只要你答应放学后还给我就行了。”“I know,” said Tex. “Just promise to give it back after school.”

“我知道,”泰克斯说,“只要你发誓放学后还给我。”“I know, ” said Tex. “Just promise to give it back after school.”

我不用TeX,但我在排版时经常参考这本书。I don't use TeX but I continually use this book as a typesetting reference.

为美国德州奥斯丁「大地与蓝天」广播节目制作人。Marc Airhart is a producer for the Earth and Sky radio series in Austin, Tex.

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之所以没有使用TeX,是因为那几年TeX和PostScript不能很好地协同。I don't use TeX because for years TeX and PostScript really didn't go together.

德州葡萄树城——到了第七天,已婚夫妇还是没有休息。GRAPEVINE, Tex . — And on the seventh day, there was no rest for married couples.

特克斯支数45和更细的纱线,单丝形态平均每8盎司不超过一个纽结。TEX size 45 and finer shall average no more than one knot per 8 ounces in singles.