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她的灵魂堕入地狱。Her soul was damned.

这是那些被诅咒的人These are the damned.

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她乱骂一通。She damned right and left.

批评家指责这出戏。The critics damned the play.

你这该死的婊子养的孬种!You damned lily livered coward!

因为利润非常可观Because it was so damned profitable.

所以我现在就要做点事了。So I"m trying to do a damned thing."

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这次行动一开始就注定要失败。The action was damned from the start.

我们要杀掉所有该死的因维德人!We need to kill all the damned Invid!

这该死的没良心的东西!What a damned heartless fellow he is!

洛萨摧毁了诅咒神庙。Lothar destroys the Temple of the Damned.

她抓住一点点毛病就说他的品质很坏。She damned his character for a few faults.

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那只可恶的猫又在咬我的耳朵了。That damned cat is chewing on my ear again.

相反,我知道我很穷、很丑、很猥琐。Far from it. I know I'm poor, damned and ugly.

但愿罪人都被罚受永久的地狱之火。Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire.

在被憎恶的人上用了什么节奏What kind of rhythm do we get with the damned?

从今以后,我将成为诅咒的囚笼。Forevermore, I will be the Jailor of the Damned.

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搞得我这么晚了,这死鸭,它走脱伴了。It's so late! Damned duck! It lost its partners.

这个,被诅咒的人应该出现在哪里Well, where would you expect to find the damned?

“他们做的非常不错,”Serwer说。"They've done pretty damned well, " Serwer said.