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这是现存最早的专着和饮食治疗。It is the extant and earliest monograph on dietetic treatment.

这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。This sort of dietetic food has the effect of nourishing the human Body.

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这种习惯既不利于饮食卫生,又会从心理上增添反感情绪。This habit not only goes against dietetic hygiene, but also adds your aversion.

旅途中要注意饮食卫生,不宜吃得过饱或空腹。Dietetic hygiene should notice in journey, unfavorable eat too full or hollowly.

各种各样的产品和高级的健康角为您提供饮食疗法产品。A wide range of products and an exclusive healthy corner provided with dietetic products.

注意饮食卫生和加强鼠害防制是控制本病感染和传播的重要措施。Noticing dietetic hygiene and managing mouse are the important measures to control this disease.

美国餐饮协会在许多食谱中建议用两个蛋白替代一个全蛋。The American Dietetic Association suggests substituting two egg whites for one whole egg in many recipes.

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建议在高校普及营养知识,加强学习养成科学的饮食习惯。It suggests that college should strengthen nutrition education and cultivate them to form good dietetic habit.

这些谣传在芝加哥美国糖尿病协会的年会上都破产了。Those are all diet myths that got busted today in Chicago at the American Dietetic Association's annual meeting.

由于我国的饮食习惯与国外不同,加工食物以烹炒煎炸为主。But the dietetic custom in our country is different from overseas, we process food mostly by frying and decocting.

他的寿命长达100多年,以身说法说服了人们关于他的食疗和养身之道。Doctor Sun Simiao lived over 100 years, which convinced people of his dietetic treatment and health care theories.

另外,情志所伤、饮食不当和病理产物性病因亦是荨麻疹发病的重要原因。Injured emotion, dietetic irrationality and pathogenic factors were also important factors resulting to urticaria.

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它是专门研究饮食活动领域美及其审美规律的新兴交叉学科。Dietetic aesthetics is an new interdiscipline, which specializes in study of dietetic activities and aesthetic law.

营养技师专业将来在注册营养师和营养学家监管下工作。Dietetic technology majors prepare for careers working under the supervision of registered dietitians and nutritionists.

英国营养协会已经警告父母不要给6个月前的婴儿喂食大豆制品。The British Dietetic Association has warned parents against using soy formula during the first six months of a baby's life.

这个新版本将委托由爱荷华州饮食协会一项已经在一些年来一直书ISUP的名单。This new edition will be commissioned by the Iowa Dietetic Association for a book which has been in the ISUP list for some years.

平时注意个人卫生,饮食卫生,也是预防肺炎球菌疾病的有效方法。Usually pays attention to the personal hygiene, the dietetic hygiene, also prevents the pneumococcus disease's efficacious device.

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结论本试验提示百年乐对大鼠亚慢性毒性试验及小鼠毒性试验未产生不良影响。Conclusion No adverse effects of Bainianle dietetic liquid were observed on subchronic toxicity test of rats and toxicity test of mice.

随着人们生活水平的提高及饮食习惯的改变,胆石症已成为一种常见病。With the enhancement of the living standard and the change of the dietetic habit of people, Cholelithiasis is becoming a popular disease.

给药期间观察荷瘤小鼠的饮食情况、体重变化,并测量肿瘤的大小。Dietetic state and weight change of the tumor-bearing mice were observed and tumorous sige was measured during administration of endostatin.