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他的财富是怎样得来的?How did he acquire his wealth?

机器人能捕获该物体。The robot can acquire the object.

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我突然有了一个继兄弟。I'v suddenly acquire a stepbrother.

然而我们是怎么样取得一个新的魂魄的?But how does one acquire a new soul?

但是让我学到了很多知识。But let me acquire a lot of knowledge.

巴西获得2014年世界杯赛承办权!Brazil acquire Football World Cup 2014!

维持一份难伺候的人际关系。Acquire a high maintenance relationship.

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最终获得较为理想的视频对象。Finally, acquire the ideal video object.

而只需从其他人手上获取食物They need to acquire it from somebody else.

缺少了禅定,你就无法获得智慧。Without samadhi, you can not acquire panna.

我千方百计地搞到了我所需要的资料。I tried to acquire the information I needed.

弄个干燥机来给生食品脱水?Acquire the dehydrator for the raw foods diet?

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诺伟司出价多少收购IQF集团?How much did Novus spend to acquire IQF Group?

与此同时它们也会获得超高机动性。They may also acquire "hyper-manoeuvrability".

优先获得厂家最新政策。Underlyings acquire manufacturer newest policy.

你打算什么时候拿到硕士文凭。When are you going to acquire the master degree?

您必须获得发布这样的键的许可证。You must acquire a license to publish such keys.

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控制型的程序用来学习新的技能。Control processes are used to acquire new skills.

他们这次要去开采的是楠木。Their tasks were to acquire wood from Nanmu tree.

但我们可以收购某个小的快捷酒店。But we can acquire some small swift hotel company.