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那么,哪种栅格最适合呢?So, which grid is best?

电池极板干燥机“,”Battery Grid Drying Machine.

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云与网格有什么区别呢?How is this different from grid?

栅极电路发生故障。The grid circuit is out of order.

那么屏栅极电阻呢?What about screen grid resistors?

每过一个月,就在一个格子里打钩。Every month, just check in a grid.

高空走钢丝巡查电网的机器人High-Wire Robot to Inspect the Grid

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它平衡了网格上的工作负载。It balances workloads across the grid.

适应性突然失灵,陷入网格锁。Adaptability conks out into grid -lock.

修改径向栅格线的数目。Modify number of the radial grid lines.

跨喥,栅板刚性乜鎈。Span, grid plate rigidity is also poor.

它是以这种电压馈入电力网。It is fed into the grid at this voltage.

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将格线指示区拖曳到方格外。Drag the gridline indicator off the grid.

在空间列上创建一个网格索引。Create a grid index on the spatial column.

应用于风景照中的三分法网格Rule of thirds grid applied to a landscape

我们需要应对电网故障的预案。We need a plan to deal with grid failures.

同时你可以用碎纸片装饰这个网格。You make the grid with other bits of paper

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窗口小部件可以跨网格中的几个单元。A widget can span several cells in the grid.

矩形网格上二维分配职位。Allocate positions on a rectangular 2d grid.

自动调整一个或所有可见网格列的大小。Auto-resizes one or all visible grid columns.