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互联网?呸!The Internet? Bah!

网路是一个大粪坑?。Internet is a Cesspool?

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国内互联网实是底呱呱!Internet is number one!

我从网路上抓来的。I got it off the Internet.

我大约一周上网冲浪一次。I the Internet once a week.

这也就扼杀了互联网。And that kills the Internet.

互联网该由谁来管?Who should run the internet?

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互联网颠覆了命运*。The Internet subverts Kismet.

指令长杰弗里·威廉姆斯在自己的Twitter上这样写道,“如果有人问我上网后做的第一件事是什么?First thing I did on internet?

网络聊天上我是个新手.I am new to internet chatting.

我喜欢那些网络语言。I like those internet phrases.

她是在网上找到GNC。She found GNC on the internet.

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我有时候上上网。Sometimes I surf the Internet.

网络已经过时了。The Internet is already passe.

楼下的,又看见你在上网了。LX, do you see in the Internet.

楼下,又看见你在上网了。Lx, do you see in the Internet.

吧主,又看见你在上网了。BZ , do you see in the Internet.

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同志,又看见你在上网了。TZ , do you see in the Internet.

互联网渗透到日常用品The Internet in Everyday Objects

这里又无线网。This has wireless Internet here.