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她是一位勇敢的骑手。She is a nerveless rider.

那位骑马者坐姿很好。That rider has a good seat.

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我们可以针对这点加上附加条款。We can add a rider for that.

骑者让他的马歇下喘口气。The rider breathed His horse.

骑马的人勒住了马。The rider reined in his horse.

马跃起将骑手摔于马下。The horse bucked the rider off.

一匹没有人骑的马跑过去了。A horse without a rider ran past.

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骑手该怎麽学著去感觉?。How does the rider learn to feel?

肯恩和赖瑞一样是个谨慎的骑士。Ken is as careful a rider as Larry.

骑手策马驰过小镇。The rider galloped through the town.

你是一个合作者或是一个搭便车的免费使用者?Are You a Cooperator or a Free Rider?

骑手突然一下把马勒住。The rider pulled his horsed up short.

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骑手使惊马镇定下来。The rider calmed the frightened horse.

由于少了匹马骑士丢了,想知道艾夫斯。For wish of a horse the rider was lost.

那马把骑手掀翻在地。The horse flung his rider to the ground.

马突然将骑马人掀了下来。The horse suddenly tipped its rider off.

在骑马者前面的马的一部分?The part of a horse in front of the rider.

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有个骑马的人,我才能通行无阻。With a rider I've a chance to get through.

因为失去那匹马而缺了那个骑兵For the want of a horse the rider was lost.

因为失去了那匹马而却了那骑兵。For the want of a horse the rider was lost.