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紫翠宝石激光器是迄今为止较好的固体可调谐激光器之一。Alexandrite laser is one of the superior tunable solid-lasers.

至今人们在亚历山大石的开采上几乎毫无起色。To date, very little mining of Russian Alexandrite is taking place.

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如祖母绿宝石一样,内含物是亚历山大石的普遍特征。Similar to Emeralds, inclusions are a common feature in Alexandrite.

而在今天,同样一块俄产亚历山大宝石却值几千英镑。Today, the same Russian Alexandrite is worth many thousands of pounds!

目的探讨长脉冲翠绿宝石激光脱毛的临床疗效。Objective To observe the effects of long-pulsed Alexandrite laser on hair removal.

在约90年的时间里,人们仅知道俄和斯里兰卡是亚历山大石仅有的出产地。For approximately 90 years Russia and Sri Lanka were the only know sources of Alexandrite.

目的评价长脉宽紫翠宝石激光脱毛的疗效和安全性。Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of long-pulsed Alexandrite laser for hair removal.

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这种宝石在1855年沙皇亚历山大二世登基后被命名为“亚历山大石”。The gem was named "Alexandrite" after the young Tsarevitch, who was crowned Tsar Alexander II in 1855.

但是,亚历山大石在色变上表现出来的层次是任何自然宝石都无法超越的。However, the degree of color change exhibited by Alexandrite is the most extreme encountered in natural gems.

宝石可以帮助一个自我为中心,加强自尊,和充实的能力,体验快乐。Alexandrite can assist one in centering the self, reinforcing self-esteem, and augmenting ones ability to experience joy.

如其它含有伟晶岩的矿藏一样,巴西亚历山大石也只能在难以到达的崎岖地区所发现。As with other mines containing pegmatite rocks, Brazilian Alexandrite is found in rugged areas that can be difficult to access.

正是因为她身上的这两大主色,因此俄人也普遍认为配戴一件亚历山大石饰品会给人带来孤独寂寞。Because of its two colors, in Russia it is also believed to invite loneliness if you only wear one piece of Alexandrite jewelry.

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亚历山大雷射除毛,虽然安全性高,又可达到相当不错的满意度,但仍须小心其可能留下长期的色素沈淀。Though the long-pulsed alexandrite laser is safe and effective for hair removal, prolonged hyperpigmentation may occur occasionally.

2004年人们发现了一处巴西亚历山大石新矿坑,出产的亚历山大石呈蓝绿色,透着沁人心脾的木莓红色。In 2004, a new pocket of Brazilian Alexandrite was discovered, yielding blue green Alexandrite that changed to a delightful raspberry red.

无论怎样,俄亚历山大石少之又少,有幸拥有者手中的亚历山大石无疑都带着历史沧桑的痕迹。Regardless, very little Russian Alexandrite is available and those lucky enough to own one truly are custodians of a gem from a bygone era.

尽管大多数巴西亚历山大石净度低或呈亚透明,但还是有少量的优质宝石破土现身。Although the majority of Brazilian Alexandrite is heavily included or translucent, a tiny amount of better quality gems have been unearthed.

他们赤手掘出壕沟,在伟晶岩石层中寻觅稀疏的亚历山大石矿脉,开坑打洞,开采无比原始。Following the sparse Alexandrite veins through pegmatite rock with hand dug trenches, open pits and small tunnels, mining was very primitive to say the least.

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从1999年大量开采法规的出台到2004年印度洋海啸对沿海矿的破坏,印度亚历山大石的命运始终曲曲折折。From much needed mining regulation in 1999, to the destruction of coastal mines during the 2004 Tsunami, Indian Alexandrite has certainly had its ups and downs.

非洲亚历山大石都典型地分布于临河的湿润地区,赤手沿河床挖掘,开采富含亚历山大石的伟晶岩。African Alexandrite is typically located in wet regions near rivers and mined by digging through river beds by hand to unearth the Alexandrite rich pegmatite rock.

亚历山大石存世稀少,因此她的形状和大小都不尽相同,只有这样才能将每一单晶体的克位重量和丽质最大化。Because of this gem's scarcity, Alexandrite is found in a wide variety of shapes and sizes faceted to maximize the carat weight and beauty of each individual crystal.