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她激动得声音发抖。Her voice quivered with agitation.

这些犁片有助于铅膏的混合搅拌。These plows aid in paste mix agitation.

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丽莉发现彭尼顿太太正在急躁不安。Lily found Mrs. Peniston in a state of agitation.

狂乱一种狂烈的精神骚动或疯狂的状态。A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.

回忆已往的一学期,咱们心潮荡漾。One recalls the past semester, we feel an upsurge of agitation.

石国豹被认为是民间高利贷风潮的“爪王”。Shi Guobao was considered a folk usurious agitation" claw king".

但这种焦虑不安似乎比前互联网时代更剧烈。But the agitation seems more intense than in the pre-Internet days.

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迅猛的通货膨胀和抢购造成重大的商品缺乏。Rapid inflation and above curtailments acquired by agitation buying.

温度是物质分子运动的一个计量单位。Temperature is a measure of the agitation of the molecules of matter.

本文讨论搅拌在疏水絮凝中的重要作用。The important role of agitation in hydrophobic flocculation wsa discussed.

方案是用搅拌的方法打破热水构成的隔热层。The solution is to break up this insulating layer of hot water by agitation.

”由于兴奋,丽的鼻子上微微起皱。" Her nose crinkled up slightly as a look of agitation passed over her face.

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但它是法国,其中此后成为行政中心的激荡。But it was France which thenceforth became the chief centre of the agitation.

蛋糕制造者平白无故地用抖动的耙子摇一条赤裸的蛇。The cake maker all-overs a naked snake with the agitation rake without account.

最后,如果你看电子书刊太长时间,你会觉得头晕与心闷。Finally, if you read the electric book too long, you will feel dizzy with agitation.

在七氟烷麻醉后儿童的术后激惹是一个常见的问题。Postoperative agitation is a common problem after sevofluraneanesthesia in children.

虽然丽德没有多谈,但是我们却察觉得出她所承受的焦虑和烦乱。Even Linda didn't tell us how she felt but we can feel her anxiousness and agitation.

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1998年印尼排华浪潮的发生具有深刻的原因。The trivial causes of anti-Indonesian-Chinese agitation in 1998 have become explored.

2008年新春伊始,家居行业就吹起了中式家居风潮。Since 2008 Spring Festival, the home industry has blown the agitation of chinese style.

本文研究了搅拌速度及晶种粒度对晶体附聚的影响。The influence of agitation and crystal size on the agglomeration have been investigated.