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关于IIS服务器的安全的博客帖子。Secure your internet-facing IIS servers!

“最后,他们会问关于IIS的问题”。After all of that, they then ask the "IIS" question.

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在IIS托管服务时,服务的.svc扩展名是必备的。The service .svc extension is required when hosting services in IIS.

一些插件是在IIS元数据中注册和配置的。Such plug-in components are registered and configured in the IIS metabase.

仅有一些类型的资源,客户端请求后可由IIS直接处理。Only a few resource types that clients request are handled directly by IIS.

IIS6工作进程不知道任何关于ASP.NET和托管代码的事情。The IIS 6 worker process doesn't know anything about ASP.NET and managed code.

下面的例子显示了IIS中创建新Web站点的Wix源代码As an example, here’s the WiX source code needed to create a new web site in IIS

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配备20mm速射炮,大约1000辆二号在波兰战役中被使用。Armed with a 20-mm cannon, some 1000 PzKpfw IIs were used during the Polish campaign.

熟悉网站架构,掌握DNS和IIS服务器的安装和配置。Acquaints with the website structure, controlling DNS and IIS the server's installing.

该工具用于更新存储在IIS元数据根目录下的脚本映射。The utility works by updating the script maps stored in the IIS metabase root and below.

解决了在把web.config文件设置为只读时,导致IIS完全崩溃的问题。Resolved an issue that caused full IIS fail when the web.config file was set to read-only.

结果表明,该方法简单实用,并具有较高的精度。The results show that the me-od is simple and practical, and iis precision is appreciable.

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然后,IIS将你转向到一个静态的html文件,querystring会丢失。Then IIS forces you to redirect those users to a static html file, so the querystring is lost.

连中学生都把苹果II型机搬回家了,大学里还在使用穿孔卡片。So while high school kids had Apple IIs at home, the universities were still using punch cards.

地图编辑器可以允许玩家去除隐形单位的模糊效果。Map makers will be able to remove the blur effect that is currently on StarCraft IIs invisible units.

IIS没有使用Metabase,而是用了类似在ASP.NET中使用的基于XML的配置文件。Instead of using the metabase, IIS 7 uses XML based configuration files similar to those used by ASP.NET.

例如一个html页面请求、文本文件、JPEG和GIF图片由IIS处理。For example, any incoming request for HTML pages, text files, JPEG and GIF images is processed by IIS itself.

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相比之下,微软技术支持代表往往能够一针见血地指出组件例如IIS的问题所在。In comparison Microsoft support representatives are often able to pinpoint issues with components such as IIS.

服务器有大量存储在IIS的元数据库中的配置信息,而它们没有备份。The server had enormous amounts of configuration information stored in the IIS metabase which wasn’t backed up

IIS在非托管下执行,并且提供了基于ISAPI扩展块和筛选器模块的扩展模型。IIS is an unmanaged executable that provides an extensibility model based on ISAPI extension and filter modules.