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目的探讨鼻部真菌病的诊断和治疗问题。Objective To improve the knowledge on diagnosis and treatment of nasal mycosis.

探讨霉菌性鼻窦炎的CT表现和价值。Objective To discuss the representation and value of CT examination of mycosis of sinus.

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目的分析真菌性肠炎的临床特点、治疗及疗效。Objective To analyze the clinical characters and treatment of adult mycosis intestinalis.

本文综述了近年来国内外皮肤真菌病新型局部给药系统的研究进展。All these show a great application prospects in the topical treatment of cutaneous mycosis.

目的探讨上颌窦霉菌病的CT表现及诊断价值。Objective To research the CT findings of maxillary sinus mycosis and their diagnostic value.

结论特比萘芬乳膏与咪康唑霜对皮肤浅部真菌病均有疗效,且两者疗效相仿。Conclusion Both the terbinafine and miconazole creams are similarly effective on superficial mycosis.

目的探讨大蒜素注射液对深部真菌感染的临床疗效及安全性。ObjectiveTo explore the clinical curative effect and safety of Allitrid injection curing deep mycosis infection.

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目的报告一例蕈样肉芽肿之极其罕见的肉芽肿性皮肤松弛。Objective To report a case of granulomatous slack skin which is an extremely uncommon variant of mycosis fungoides.

目的研究短帚霉的致病性,探讨系统性真菌病的发病机制。Objective To investigate the pathogenicity of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and to discuss the pathogenesis of systemic mycosis.

分析18例内脏霉菌病均有长期应用广谱抗生素等药物史。The study of 18 cases of Visceral Mycosis complicated in prolonged ad- minstration of broad-spectrum antibiotics is reported.

结论鼻部真菌病除与多种原因引起的个人免疫功能下降有关外,可能还与鼻腔解剖结构异常或通气引流不畅有关。Conclusion Nasal mycosis may be resulted from decreased immunity of patient and related with poor ventilation or abnormal anatomy of nose.

目的了解武汉地区浅部真菌病发病情况,并评估直接镜检法对浅部真菌病的诊断意义。Objective To investigate the episode condition of superficial mycosis in Wuhan district and evaluate the significance of microscope examination.

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目的探讨非侵袭型上颌窦真菌病的临床特征及手术方式。Objective To investigate the clinical features of non-invasive maxillary sinus mycosis and operating procedures of surgical treatment for this lesion.

方法通过对21例鼻部真菌病临床资料的分析,对其分型、诊断及治疗问题进行探讨。Methods 21 cases of nasal mycosis were retrospectively reviewed on their medical history, including diagnosis, treating experience and prognosis of them.

方法回顾性分析我科1998-2003年间经鼻内镜术治疗的20例非侵袭性鼻窦真菌病的临床资料。Methods A retrospective study was curried out among 20 cases with non-invasive mycosis in paranasal sinuses, treated with ESS in our Hospital from 1998 to 2003.

隐球菌病是由新型隐球菌引起的深部真菌病,起病隐袭,临床表现无特异性,易漏诊,误诊。Cryptococcosis is a kind of deep mycosis caused by cryptococcus neoformans. Because the clinical manifestion of this disease has no specificity and it is easy to be misdiagnosed.