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太不可思议了It's simply extraordinary.

我是一个非凡的人。I am an extraordinary person.

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我可以做非凡的事情。I can do extraordinary things.

艾达是一个真正不寻常的发现。Ida is a truly extraordinary find.

这孩子力大无比。The boy is of extraordinary strength.

每款机器均蕴意非凡。Meaning each machine is extraordinary.

她的意志力是非凡的。Her strength of will was extraordinary.

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她是个绝色美人。She was a girl of extraordinary beauty.

王羲之高超的书法水平。Wang Xizhi's extraordinary calligraphy.

他是个具有非凡意志的人。He is a man of extraordinary will power.

她的作品特别华丽而灵活。Her work is extraordinary rich and alert.

她穿着最不寻常的衣裳。She wears the most extraordinary get-ups.

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她穿著最不寻常的衣裳。She wears the most extraordinary get-ups.

雪人的特征是异常的灵活。The Yeties feature extraordinary deftness.

终于,费勒找到了一个绝妙的答案。Feiler came up with a extraordinary answer.

该公司赢得了特别设计奖。The firm won an extraordinary design award.

雅库茨克的遥远也很不一般。Yakutsk's remoteness is also extraordinary.

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但他逐渐培养起员工对苹果非凡的忠诚感。But he grew to elicit extraordinary loyalty.

是肯特海岸上的一个特别的所在。is an extraordinary place on the Kent coast.

莪只是个平常恴女子。Just a stainless zedoary extraordinary woman.