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白妃和我彼此非常了解。Bevy and I understand each other perfectly.

这些成群结队的小行星给地球和其他内行星带来了一系列贵金属。Those hordes of asteroids brought with them a bevy of precious metals.

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最近美国市场又出现了一些原理与此相类似的鞋子。Recently a bevy of shoes based on similar principles have hit the U.S. market.

通常牙医会有几种间接修复材料可以选择。Currently, dentists have a bevy of indirect restorative materials at their disposal.

对待自己鼓舞的一种美味可口的味道与此可食用润滑剂4包。Treat yourself to a delicious bevy of tasty flavors with this edible lubricant 4-pack.

“太太!好一窝漂亮的云雀呀!”杰拉尔德殷勤地说,一面让自己的马靠近塔尔顿的马车。"That's a fine bevy ma'm" said gerald gallantly reining his horse alongside the carriage.

一个内部口袋和拉链袋一个协调提供日常必需品室的身边围满。A bevy of interior pockets and a coordinating zip pouch offer room for everyday essentials.

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可以看到这位歌手正站在一面镜子前面,在她的身后站了一群半裸的小伙子。The singer can be seen standing in front of a mirror, with a bevy of half-naked lads behind her.

凭着一群赞助公司包括黑莓,黑眼豆豆一直是非常可靠的成功人士。The Black Eyed Peas are reliable hitmakers with a bevy of corporate sponsors including BlackBerry.

本周MBC电视台的“来玩吧“,是由一群顶尖偶像团体所打造的新年特别版。This week on MBC's "Come to Play", a bevy of top idol groups will be featured for their New Year special!

她拥有很多突出的优点,但是她不能接受与她不同的观点,这一点最终导致了我们的分手。She had a bevy of outstanding qualities, but her inability to accept a different opinion ultimately led to a breakup.

老人被一群中年欧洲女子围着,好像是莱茵女儿的仆人。This man was surrounded by a bevy of middle-aged European women who seemed to function as an entourage of Rhine maidens.

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只见他扬手一挥,干脆利落地撇出一句话,立刻就轰走了当地的一群小青年,给我们腾出了一张桌子。With a swish of his hand and staccato phrase, he shooed a bevy of young locals away, clearing a table for us in the process.

而且不仅我到杂货店的这段行程会引来一群观看者,我在工作时或者在家里也会受到有关我饮食习惯的的攻击。And not only do my trips to the grocery store promote a bevy of onlookers. I am bombarded at work and at home about my eating habits.

西餐厅环境优雅、布局独特。提供丰富的西式美点、西式正餐及零点风味小炒。With exquisitely designed surroundings and delicate layout, the Western Food Section serves a bevy of western food, snacks and flavored dishes etc.

互联网一直在改变,BusinessWeek.com与一群专家总结出了如今的网页设计师必须遵守的规则。The Internet is constantly changing. spoke to a bevy of experts and distilled the must-follow rules top online designers live by in 2008

50节图形设计免费课程将教授你大量的理论知识。In the article 50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory the TutsPlus family definitely delivers with a bevy of knowledge building lessons in theory

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燃烧木材释放一群气体和颗粒进入空气中。这些气体包括刺激的和有毒的气体,例如二氧化氮和一氧化碳。A. Burning wood releases a bevy of gases and particles into the air. The gases include irritating or toxic gases such as nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.

政府还导入了一系列的措施、规范及要求,并称以此强化了住宅销售信息的透明度,保护了消费者的权利。It has also introduced a bevy of measures, guidelines and requirements that it says has enhanced the transparency of home sales and protected consumer rights.

虽然皇马球迷对冠军杯充满新的希望,诸多身价不菲的超级明星也让他们感到欣喜,但批评人士指责佩雷斯正在毁掉足球运动。While Real Madrid fans are enjoying the Champions League with new hope and a bevy of top-dollar superstars, critics are accusing Mr. Perez of ruining the sport.