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磕到了树桩上,胫部擦破了皮。I barked my shin on a tree stump.

我设法骑这马时,它踢了我。The horse kicked him on the shin.

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就像剧中李信对妹妹那样。Same as Shin to his sister in drama.

申智贤,你真是个够狠的女人。Shin Ji-Hyun, you are a cruel woman.

可怜的申雅岚让我在电视前热泪盈眶。Poor Shin had me in tears watching her.

在可以看到Tanaka更多的作品。See more of Tanaka's work at

足球运动员经常穿着护腿。Football players often wear shin guards.

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新明半岛,揭开品质之谜。Shin peninsula, uncover quality mystery.

在比赛中有人踢了我的胫。Someone kicked me on my shin during the match.

现在我将把麦克风传给我们的导演申先生。And now I'll pass my mike to Mr. shin our p. d.

他脚杆骨撞到椅子而受瘀伤。He bruised his shin knocking against the chair.

本人为了看信乐团而赶忙地跃过一个石头。I hurry shin over a rock to get a look of the Shin.

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掌握了秘诀,你想瘦哪里就瘦哪里。If capture the secret, you can shin wherever you want.

在有些比赛中是允许踢对手胫部的。It is allowed to shin your competitor in some matches.

如果你感到胫骨非常疼痛,去让医生拍X光片。If you have extreme shin pain, see a doctor for an x-ray.

黑暗中他的小腿绊在了床柱上。In the darkness he stumbled his shin against the bed post.

洞穴善盖北和老英雄的野蛮人,西方中国。Caves at Shin Gai North And Old Hero Barbarians, Westen China.

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童心一手扶著金灵肩头,正想劝慰她,却蓦然想起一事。Shin puts one hand on Ling's shoulder and is about to comfort her.

参加者需要自备球棍,牙箍,护胫。Participants should bring their own sticks, mouth guard, shin pads.

你不可能去吞咽一对足球护腕,这是肯定的!You shouldn't go swallowing a pair of shin guards, that's for sure!