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三位记者都是辛巴威的公民。All three are Zimbabwean citizens.

这名年轻的津巴布韦移民没有上学的机会。This young Zimbabwean migrant does not have the means to attend school.

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而该调查显示,最不适宜居住的城市是津巴布韦首都哈拉雷。According to the survey, the worst place to live is the Zimbabwean capital Harare.

每份售价是400辛巴威币,照官方汇率换算,就是美金68分钱。The price per copy is 4,000 Zimbabwean dollars, or 68 cents at the official exchange rate.

对威尔弗·穆邦加,津巴布韦报纸的拥有者和编辑的逮捕令已经发出。The warrant has been issued for Wilf Mbanga, owner and editor of The Zimbabwean newspaper.

津巴布韦领导人摩根·茨万基拉伊原则上同意了组建联合政府。Zimbabwean leader Morgan Tsvangirai has agreed in principle to forming a unity government.

当天,杨洁篪与津巴布韦外交部长蒙本盖圭举行会谈,并签署了中津经济技术合作协定。On the same day, Yang also held talks with his Zimbabwean counterpart Simbarashe Mumbengegwi.

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这些媒体都找到办法,避过辛巴威法律的严苛规定。These outlets have all found innovative ways around the Zimbabwean government's restrictive laws.

杨洁篪10日抵达津巴布韦首都哈拉雷,开始对津巴布韦进行正式访问。Yang arrived in the Zimbabwean capital of Harare on February 10 for an official visit to the country.

被饥饿和压迫驱逐在外的津巴布韦教师们承担着保安和店员的工作。Zimbabwean teachers, forced out by hunger and repression, work as security guards and shop assistants.

他还说,根据津巴布韦选举法,决选最迟要在5月24号进行。He added that the runoff should take place no later than May 24, according to Zimbabwean electoral law.

领队塔巴尼.甘叶说,对该国这么小型的于运动队来说,可以说是显赫的成功了。Team leader Thabani Gonye called it a major accomplishment given the small size of the Zimbabwean team.

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他沉思了一会儿,又说道,“人们都在谈论2008年的那件事,而我,一个津巴布韦人,在此地孑然一身。He stares a bit and says, “People talk about what happened in 2008, and me, I’m a Zimbabwean. I’m alone here.

但是本周,它羞愧的在一份一致同意谴责津巴布韦政府暴力行为的声明上签字。But this week it was shamed into signing a unanimous statement deploring the Zimbabwean government’s violence.

之前,巴西方面因巴西队于6月2日与津巴布韦队进行了练习赛而被指责。Brazil's side has been criticized for going through with a warm-up match against the Zimbabwean team on June 2.

24岁的金发女郎切尔茜出生于津巴布韦,2年前迁居英格兰,希望与相恋6年的哈里王子增进感情。The Zimbabwean blonde moved to England 2 years ago to try to strengthen her 6-year relationship with the prince.

本司津巴布韦浸膏主要是通过石油醚浸提津巴布韦烟叶制得浸膏。The Divisionof Zimbabwe is mainly through petroleum ether extract of Zimbabwean tobacco extract obtained extract.

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津巴布韦政府上个星期准许一些被拘押者交保释放,这一举动令人欢迎。In a welcome act, the Zimbabwean government has allowed the release of a number of detainees on bail in the last week.

你每天只能取500,000津巴布韦元,不管你是士兵还是为生存而挣扎的人,你都会被波及到。The daily limit is 500, 000 Zimbabwean dollars and it affects us all whether we are a soldier or a struggling citizen.

我想要拿到化学工程学士学位,帮助津巴布韦的化学工业获得立足之地。I intend to earn a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and help place the Zimbabwean chemistry industry on the map.