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这就是偶像崇拜。And that's what idolatry does.

偶像崇拜同样玷污这片土地。Idolatry also defiles the land.

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他宽容罗马的偶像崇拜。He bore with the idolatry of Rome.

他们忘记了上帝,开始偶像崇拜。They forget God, they turn to idolatry.

拜偶像是对美好的一种扭曲。Idolatry takes something good and twists it.

我所亲爱的弟兄阿,你们要逃避拜偶像的事。Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.

随你喜欢怎么去说,但这仍然公然的盲目崇拜。Call it what you like, but it was blatant idolatry.

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造成这种偶像崇拜的原因有根多。There are many reasons explaining such cases of idolatry.

犹太教徒正是因为这个原因而反对所有的偶像崇拜。The Jews who were against all idolatry for exactly this reason.

论及今人不可陷于轻视,评说古人毋作偶像崇拜。----切斯特菲尔德。Speak of the moderns without contempt, and of the ancients without idolatry.

因为他们背逆神的律法,和公然拜其他偶像。It was because they disobeyed God's laws and because of their outright idolatry.

偶像崇拜是当今青少年精神生活的重要内容。Idolatry is one of the most important contents of today's juvenile spiritual life.

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悖逆的罪与行邪术的罪相等。顽梗的罪与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同。For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.

这种做法就是拜偶像,因为圣经教导我们说我们只可以信靠神,敬拜神。This is idolatry because the Bible teaches us that we may only rely on God and revere Him.

虽然,阿肯那顿法老关于宗教的理念和圣经独一真神的观点接近,然而,这依旧属于偶像崇拜。Though this Pharaoh's idea came closer to the one God of the Bible, it was still idolatry.

我们认为,这些教会并没有人,崇拜异教徒偶像。We don't think there were any of these churches that were actually practicing pagan idolatry.

对别的东西的崇拜超过了我们的主时,就是盲目的自大。Idolatry is when we worship something other than the Lord our God and is related to arrogance.

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显然,这是在拜偶像因为圣经教导信徒说只敬拜神,只向神祷告。Clearly this is idolatry because the Bible teaches us that we may only worship and pray to God.

“传媒偶像崇拜”反映了现代偶像、大众传媒与受众之间的一种“共谋”的关系。The media idolatry reflected collusive relationship among modern idol, mass media and audiences.

通过对偶像崇拜的研究,学者们发现,对物像的依赖几乎是每个人天生的习性。Through the research on the idolatry , it is found that it is natural habits to lean on the image.