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狗可怜巴巴地望着她。The dog looked up at her appealingly.

狗可怜巴巴地望着他。The dog looked up at her appealingly.

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在杂草丛生的田里,一台生了锈的旧式农用割草机引人注目。An old farm mower rusting appealingly in an overgrown field.

德娜恳切地看着布莱尔,希望听到相反的观点。Dena looked appealingly at Blair, hoping to hear a contrary opinion.

除了音乐,他那独特的名字也引起了人们的兴趣。Besides the buzz, his appealingly unique name generated further interest.

劳勃阿特曼以优雅及非刻意强调吸引力的镜头来进入芭蕾舞的世界。Altman takes an elegant, appealingly unemphatic look at the world of ballet.

最早驯化的一年生植物是二粒小麦和野生大麦,它们确实有较吸引人的大粒种子。The earliest annuals to be domesticated , emmer wheat and wild barley, did have appealingly large seeds.

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“在此之前,你愿意帮我的忙吗?”他恳求道,“然后我想一切都会好了。”"Would you mind helping me out until then?" he said appealingly. "I think I'll be all right after that time. "

规则是用来打破的,但是你必须深入的理解这些规则,然后才能有创造性的、更加漂亮的打破原则。Rules are made to be broken, but one must truly understand a rule before it can be broken creatively and appealingly.

现在贫困正威胁着要将她整个俘获,并把这另一个世界使劲朝上推去,使它就像任何穷人都会向之伸手乞讨的上天一般。And now poverty threatened to seize her entirely and to remove this other world far upward like a heaven to which any Lazarus might extend, appealingly , his hands.