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她说她认可。She said that she approved.

他的申请被批准了。His application was approved.

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国会批准了国家预算。The congress approved the budget.

他的父母赞成了这门亲事。His parents approved of the match.

如果是江青,她一定不会任何这种做法。Jiang Qing would not have approved.

垫子必须是世界空手道联盟核准的设计。They must be of approved WKF design.

颜色与批核色版不同。Shade differs from approved standard.

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这个报告得到了朝廷的御批。The report was approved by the court.

他父亲已经同意这门亲事。His father has approved of this match.

参议院迅速通过了这一法案。The Senate promptly approved the bill.

谁批准碳酸钠滴注的?。Who approved a sodium bicarb infusion?

另一个问题是它能否得到批准。Another is whether it will get approved.

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一个新的安全操作系统被批准取代云梯。A new OSHA approved substitute for ladders.

这块地盘已经交给我了,你也同意了。Commission gave it to me, and you approved.

父亲同意了我们访问纽约的计划。Father approved our plan to visit New York.

肯尼迪一定会称赞今天的中国人的.JFK would have approved of today's Chinese.

委员会已批准破土动工。The council has approved to start building.

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美国监管部门于1995年批准了骁悉。U. S. regulators approved CellCept in 1995.

经批准的作者可以上载书籍的更新。Approved authors can upload updates of books.

美白效果经过KFDA认可,非常突出!Approved whitening funtional effects by KFDA!