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首先,选择要摄取的架构。First, select a schema to ingest.

监视、管理和控制数据摄取应用程序Monitoring, managing, and controlling the data ingest application

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如果人们服下了沙门氏菌,它将会入侵肠组织的表面。When people ingest Salmonella, it invades the surface of the intestine.

另一些国家则需要处理妇女吞食农药自杀的问题。In others, suicides in women who ingest pesticides need to be addressed.

然后,重新创建的空表又可以摄取新的数据,直到清洗日的到来。The empty table is then ready to ingest new data until its next purge date.

拆卸塑料、金属包装这样你才不会无意中吸收这些侵权行为。Remove plastic and metal wrappers so your torts don't accidentally ingest these.

我们发现中性粒细胞可以摄入细菌但是却不能杀死他们。We found the neutrophils could ingest the bacteria but were not able to kill them.

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啮齿动物只要吸入少量的猫科动物的排泄物,弓形虫就会直接进入它们的头部。Rodents ingest little bits of Toxo from cat feces and Toxo goes straight to their heads.

组织强烈要求所有美国运动员要知道他们自己摄取的食物是什么。And the organization is urging all United States athletes to be aware of what they ingest.

它是一种我们从来没见过的鱼,如果我们找它问路,它可能会把我们吃掉再吐出我们的骨头!It's a fish we don't know. If we ask it directions, it could ingest us and spit out our bones!

这些引擎能够接收和处理结构化和非结构化实时运动数据。These engines can ingest and process real-time in-motion data that is structured or unstructured.

如果我们向它问路,他可能会把我们吞下去再把我们的骨头吐出来!It's a fish we don't know, and if we ask it directions, it could ingest us and spit out our bones!

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要达到防止核辐射的影响,一个成年人一次要摄于3公斤盐的分量。An adult would need to ingest 3kg of salt at one time to help prevent radiation, the ministry said.

摄入模块为新的档案信息包提供描述性信息,管理模块进行系统更新和检查更新。Ingest transactions consist of Descriptive Information which identifies new AIPs stored in the archive.

当摄入糖时,身体产生抗压的荷尔蒙,叫做糖皮质激素。When you ingest sugar, your body creates a hormone that counters stress reactions, called glucocorticoid.

在战斗中给战士指路的是“未来”,“未来”给人以希望和鼓舞。An even wackier proposal is that, along with their rations, soldiers of the future will ingest"biomarkers".

它们可以吞噬胞外抗原,根据细胞表面的,主要组织相容性抗原-2They might ingest extracellular antigen, presented pieces of it on their cell surface in the context of MHC-2.

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她还说,若是孩童想得到充足的DHA,那他们必须从食物中摄取。"If small children are going to get enough DHA," she says, "they're going to have to ingest it in their food."

营养能否被身体摄取,能否被适当的消化,不导致机体的紊乱Can the body ingest this particular item and deal with it in a reasonable way and not have internal havoc occur?

在摄取数据之前采用暂存表来加载和转换数据,这可以最大程度地减少对查询工作负载的干扰。Employing staging tables to load and transform data ahead of ingest minimizes interference with query workloads.