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这叫做“间歇喷泉”。This is called a geyser.

蒸气从热水锅炉里冒出。Steam erupted from the geyser.

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突然,水如泉水般喷射出来。Suddenly, water shot up like a geyser.

间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉。A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring.

老忠实间歇喷泉大约每91分钟喷发一次。Old Faithful Geyser erupts approximately every 91 minutes.

可戴比尔斯已非昔日那个钻石小喷泉了。De Beers, however, is no longer the diamond geyser it once was.

在黄石国家公园,你可以参观间歇式的“老忠实”喷泉。In Yellowstone National Park you can visit the geyser Old Faithful.

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巴塘措拉间歇喷泉区是四川西部新近发现的一个旅游胜地。Cuola geyser area in Batang is a famous tourist spot in west Sichuan.

你可以在黄石公园内看到一个名叫老实泉的喷泉。You can see a geyser named The Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park.

厚厚的雪毯覆盖了黄石国家公园的西大拇指间歇喷泉盆地。A thick blanket of snow covers West Thumb Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park.

诺里斯间歇泉盆地拥有整个黄石国家公园最热的水。The Norris Geyser Basin contains the hottest water in all of Yellowstone National Park.

BP将独自决定针对石油井喷什麽工作是已经完成的,和什麽目标是他们承诺要达到的。BP alone will determine what is done with respect to the oil geyser and its promised closure.

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间歇泉是地球表面的一个烟囱,周期性的喷出热水和蒸汽。A geyser is a vent in Earth's surface that periodically ejects a column of hot water and steam.

矿物质、藻类和蓝菌为内华达州黑岩沙漠的间歇喷泉披上华美绚丽的外衣。Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilliant colors.

2003年,诺里斯间歇泉盆地的变化导致了盆地的一些小径的暂时关闭。In 2003, changes at the Norris Geyser Basin resulted in the temporary closure of some trails in the basin.

天然间歇泉是间断性地喷水柱或蒸汽柱的天然温泉。A geyser is a natural spring that sends up a column of hot water or stream at regular or irregular intervals.

世界上著名的间歇泉主要分布在冰岛、美国黄石公园和新西兰北岛的陶波。The famous geyser in the world mainly in Iceland, Yellowstone National Park, and New Zealand's North Island Taupo.

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每年,印度教徒们都会用泼洒色彩,有些地区用彩色喷泉,来迎接冬去春来。Every year, Hindus greet the turn of winter into spring with a splash of color -- in some areas, a geyser of color.

太阳能热水器的成本在15000到25000元左右,这取决于热水器的大小,而电热水器的成本只有5000到8000元人民币。The cost of a solar geyser is R15000 to R25000, depending on the size, while an electric geyser costs R5000 to R8000.

不过,“间歇喷泉”揭示一种明显的人为能力,并阐释能量消耗和转换的概念。"Geyser", however, reveals a sharp artificial ability, which interprets a concept of energy consuming and transforming.