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空巢综合症?Empty Nest Syndrome?

回到它的巢居。Unto his nest again.

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这是蚂蚁窝。This is the ant nest.

这儿是一个蚂蚁窝。Here is an ant's nest.

这儿是个蚂蚁窝。Here is an ants' nest.

巢是鸟的家么?Is nest a bird's home?

爱巢公寓,我的家!Love Nest Flat, My Home!

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蜜蜂的巢在哪里?Where is the bees' nest?

“它就应该是这个样子”,她说,“一个真的鸟窝就象这样。”A real nest is like that.

筑巢修建或占有一个巢…To build or occupy a nest.

用羽毛来铺垫自己的巢。To feather one's own nest.

在这黎明初晓的小巢中?。In her nest at peep of day?

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在这天亮初晓的小巢中?In her nest to peep of day?

就像一窝毒蛇。It’s like a nest of vipers.

鸽子又飞回巢里。The dove comes to her nest.

多是黑色的非洲织巢鸟。Every bird like its own nest.

许多鸟类在树林中筑巢。In the woods many birds nest.

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乌鸦在大树上搭了个窝。A crow built a nest in a tree.

鸟慕其巢,人爱其家。Every bird loves its own nest.

您可以嵌入这些语法结构。You can nest these constructs.