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机械感器壁厚无孔,淋巴腔中无树突。There was thick wall and no dendrite in mechanoreceptor.

各组大鼠一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元的胞体和树突均相似。Soma and dendrite of NOS neurons were similar in each group.

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枝晶内为孪晶马氏体和部分板条马氏体。The prodominant twin martensite and partial lath martensite existed in dendrite.

有一轴突终末与一胞体棘形成突触,同时还与一树突形成突触。An axonal terminal was seen synapsing to both a spine of a perikaryon and a dendrite.

在首次执行任务,这是困难的,因为不存在从轴突到树突路径。On first performing a task, it is difficult as there is no path from axon to dendrite.

她是年轻的,开朗的,似乎性格的枝蔓没有被外界修饰过。She is young, cheerful, it seems that character has not been outside dendrite embellished.

白亮带处的枝晶生长方向改变而生成弯曲的枝晶。The dendrite growth direction is changed and dendrites are curved in the zone of white band.

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简介了相场方法,利用相场法对纯铝进行了数值模拟。The dendrite growth in the undercooled melt of pure has been simulated by the phase-field method.

模型除了描述了晶粒的生长,同时还描述了枝晶臂的粗化。The improved model not only describes grain growth, but also describes coarsening of dendrite arms.

在神经元之间,在一个神经元的轴突,和另一个神经元的树突之间,有一个细小的缝隙Between any neurons, between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another, there's a tiny gap.

在任何神经元之间,在一个神经元轴突和另一个树突之间,这里有一个微小的裂口。Between any neurons, between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another, there's a tiny gap.

在神经元之间,在一个神经元的轴突,和另一个神经元的树突之间,有一个细小的缝隙。Between any neurons, between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another, there's a tiny gap.

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同时给出了用枝晶包膜跟踪法计算的二维凝固模拟结果。At the same time the result of2 D simulation with Dendrite Envelope Tracking Method has been presented.

当硼含量较高、冷却速度较慢时,硼化物存在于枝晶干。When the boron content is high and the cooling rate is relatively low, boride can exist at the dendrite arm.

香草枝蔓是宁静的,红色是热烈的,在这样一个精致的空间,享受不经意间的乐趣。Vanilla Dendrite is quiet, the red is warm, and in such an exquisite space to enjoy the fun of inadvertently.

内敛含蓄的香草枝蔓却是那么的宁静精致,整个浴室极富温馨浪漫情调的。Introverted subtle vanilla Dendrite is so quiet refinement, the whole bathroom very warm and romantic ambience.

在集输过程中,采用了树枝状串管流程,布站方式也有创新。In such gathering and transmission system, dendrite manifold process was set up with new type of station layout.

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此外,可见脑啡肽标记的轴突终末与未标记的轴突终末或树突相突触。Furthermore the ENK-positive axon terminals were found to be synapsed with the unlabeled axon endings or dendrite.

冷却速率越大或预变形处理以后的试样在熔化过程中更容易发生二次枝晶臂之间的合并。The more the increase of cooling rate or pre-deformation, the more the secondary dendrite arms are easy to coarsen.

表明相场方法符合枝晶生长的物理机制。The simulation results indicate that the phase-field method accords with the physical mechanism of dendrite growth.