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医生用橡皮胶把针头固定下来。The doctor fastens the pinhead with rubberized fabric.

核对食谱前,她捡起一只小蟋蟀。Before checking her recipe, Dunkel had picked up a pinhead.

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这一小块天空,正如一臂之遥处的针头大小。This tiny piece of sky, the size of a pinhead held at arm's length.

只要针头大小的药量,蓖麻毒素就可以致人死命。Ricin can cause death from exposure to as little as a pinhead amount.

甚至有一天计算机都可能做成钉头那样大小。It may even be possible to make computers the size of a pinhead one day.

杰克是办公室最英俊的男子之一,惋惜他笨的要死。Jack is one of the best-looking men in the office. Too bad he's such a pinhead.

不久整个山腰都沸腾了,白痴,弱智,畸形一起狂欢。Soon the whole hillside was one gigantic, seething, cretin, mongolian and pinhead orgy.

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相当于一针剂量的河豚毒足以使一成年男人丧命。One pinhead of the pufferfish poison is sufficient to kill a full grown adult male human.

一此科学家说,在南极洲发现了很多比大头针还小的甲壳动物的化石。Hundreds of fossils of crustacean-like animals no bigger than a pinhead have been found in Antarctica , scientists say.

数以百万计雨落下来的巨杉树的树种并不比大头针头大多少,并环绕着纤柔的翼裙。Yet the seeds that a sequoia tree rains down by the millions are not much bigger than a pinhead surrounded by tiny wings.

记录的保管者是有孔虫类-简称“有孔虫”-它非常小,小到几个有孔虫可以一起坐在针尖上。The record keepers are foraminifera – "forams" for short – creatures so small that several could sit together on a pinhead.

方法将灌封机上的直筒药液灌注针头,改为“三孔”针头。Methods We changed straight pinhead to three-hole pinhead of filling & sealing machine in the work of filling liquid medicine.

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他们很遥远,有时候远得在广阔汹涌的海面上人头看上去不比大头针的头大。They are far away, sometimes so far that a head appears no larger than a pinhead on the immense, heaving surface of the water.

结果使用三孔针头灌注药液,使最终产品中因“焦头”而被剔除的废品率大大降低。Results Waste rate resulting from burnt head was reduced because of usage of three-hole pinhead in the work of filling liquid medicine.

快速树干注射器主要由贮液瓶、压力表、弹簧秤、输液管、注药口、气门嘴、注射针头、开关等几部分组成。The quick trunk injector comprises a reservoir pressure-meter, a spring balance, a transfusion pipe, a liquid valve, an air pinhead and a switch.

目的寻找减少16号针头垂直穿刺密封瓶时胶塞碎屑形成的实用方法。Objective To look for the practicable method to reduce the forming of debris of rubber stopper by using No. 16 pinhead to puncture vertically into sealed bottles.