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他们交换了碗。They exchange bowls.

好的,这是兑换水单。This is exchange memo.

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大家可以交流学习。We can exchange study.

只不过是等价交换。Just exchange of values.

他们交换了帽子。They exchange swimsuits.

交换器的类型。The type of the exchange.

欢迎交流学习。Welcome to exchange study.

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和穆塔雷利互换?An exchange with Mutarelli?

语音报文交换机?。VMX? Voice Message eXchange?

有外币兑换处吗?。Is there a currency exchange?

汇率的上下波动很正常。Exchange rates go up and down.

请保存好您的兑换水单。Please keep the exchange memo.

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请保存好您的兑换水单。Please keep the exchange memo.

一个贷币兑换应用程序A currency exchange application

用你的心来换我的心。Just your heart, exchange mine.

请问你要兑换什么货币?What would you like to exchange?

男人谈话是为了交流信息。Men talk to exchange information.

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假日里我可以到哪里换钱?Where can I exchange on holidays?

请您填写兑换水单。Please fill in this exchange memo.

这是外币兑换处。This is a foreign exchange office.