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她说我对进化论的理解需要一些微调。She said my understanding of Darwinism needed some fine-tuning.

2“办公室进化论”是“适者生存”的官方形式。Office Darwinism" is a bureaucratic form of "survival of the fittest."

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然而,在这种情形下我深信达尔文的进化论。However, I’m a big believer in the value of Darwinism in situations such as this.

那些在修剪过程中失去的细胞科学家称之为“神经达尔文主义”。Those that lost died off in a pruning process scientists call "neural Darwinism."

想要检索达尔文和达尔文进化论的相关文献并不困难。READERS in search of literature about Darwin or Darwinism will have no trouble finding it.

或许只是我不清楚吧,不过从中我感到了一点点达尔文进化论的味道。Perhaps it’s just me but I also detect a slight whiff of social Darwinism in the views expressed.

他受相面法和­社会达尔文主义的理论影响甚深。His works were deeply influenced by physiognomy and other theories elaborated by social darwinism.

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自由派对网瘾的辩护充斥着精英主义,甚至潜意识中有极端达尔文主义倾向。The liberals' defense of the Internet smacks of elitism, and subconsciously, even extreme Darwinism.

第一章探讨达尔文主义思想的精髓及其对哈代和他的重要作品的影响。Chapter One discusses the essence of Darwinism and its influence upon Hardy as well as his major works.

希望本项研究的成果能够为马尔萨斯和达尔文的经典学说添砖加瓦。Findings of this research may lend an additional dimension to the classic concepts of Malthusianism and Darwinism.

周轶伦相比前人的优势在于,他在反思现代达尔文主义合理性。To compared with the predecessors, Zhou Yilun has the advantage in his reflections on the rationality of modern Darwinism.

这项政策来源很多方面,包括儒家思想、强身及愉快的基督教活动和社会达尔文主义。The policy itself was derived from a variety of sources, including Confucianism, muscular Christianity, and Social Darwinism.

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在二十世纪早期,马尔萨斯对于人口控制的想法还与优生学和社会达尔文主义有关。In the early twentieth century, Malthusian ideas on population control were linked to theories of eugenics and social Darwinism.

当主题是达尔文主义时,在科学论述中经常运用的怀疑方法论就退避三舍了。The methodological scepticism that characterises most areas of scientific discourse seems strikingly absent when Darwinism is the topic.

达尔文主义的经济思想是竞争只表现为对抗性的竞争,企业在市场经济中面对激烈的竞争,优胜劣汰。The economical thought of Darwinism is that competition is opposable and the firm will survive if it get victory and wash out if it fail.

经济达尔文主义的信徒则坚信公司行号的规模与随之而来的经济规模,会带给消费者进步与利益。Devotees of economic Darwinism insist that corporate size, and its accompanying economies of scale, brings progress and benefits to consumers.

新达尔文主义的成功为有关两性的先天性差异的讨论提供了理论依据。The success of neo- Darwinism has provided an intellectual underpinning for discussion about why some differences between the sexes might be innate.

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他们相信人有能力变得更好,因此,先验哲学论者为五十年后的达尔文主义能被普遍接受铺了路。They believed in man's ability to change for the better. Thus, Transcendentalism prepared the way for wide acceptance of Darwinism fifty years later.

这两年陷入七十多年里最深刻的衰退,这里有一个迹象,市场达尔文主义对这一行业有意想不到的积极影响。Two years into the deepest recession in seven decades, there are signs that market Darwinism has had an unexpectedly positive effect on the business.

能量守恒和进化论的确定,促进了统计学的诞生和发展葛尔登就是统计学的奠基人之一。Conversation of energy and Darwinism are decided really, promoting statistical birth and development arrowroot Er to ascend is one of statistical founders.