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将大葱斜切成3-英寸长的段。Cut crosswise into3- inch pieces.

将面团切成大小相等的四块。Cut the dough crosswise into four equal pieces.

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取走保鲜纸,把肉片切成三片。Remove films and cut the veal crosswise in three.

变速轮横装于车上。The transmission mounts crosswise in the vehicle.

把小一点的棍子交叉,做成格子阵的效果。Place smaller sticks crosswise to make a lattice effect.

用十字花刀将橘子斜切成圆片,再一切两半。Cut oranges crosswise into round slices, then cut slices in half.

所述导杆的纸板输出端向内斜置。The inputting end of the guide rod is arranged crosswise inwards.

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里面没有别人,只有一个男孩孤零零横着坐在秋千上。It was deserted except for a lone boy seated crosswise on a swing.

你们要把冻猪肉前后堆放,不要交错。You should stow the frozen pork pieces fore and aft, not crosswise.

然后用上一段讲过的切土豆的方法把胡萝卜横过来切成片。Then cut crosswise slices as for the potatoes in the preceding paragraph.

与此同时,把羽衣甘蓝堆成束,切成薄长条。Meanwhile, stack the kale leaves in bunches and cut crosswise into slivers.

如果使用较大的海扇贝,把他们横向地切成两个或三个。If using the larger sea scallops, cut them crosswise into two or three pieces.

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顺便说一下,你们最好把冻猪肉片前后直装,不要横装。By the way, you have to stow the pieces of frozen pork fore and aft, not crosswise.

兰度芥兰切段,两次剞十字花刀放在水中泡卷待用。Cut the cabbage mustard stalks into sections , score crosswise twice and soak in water.

鸡胸直切成4-5块,淋上绿胡椒汁即可。可配食一些蔬菜。Slice the chicken breast crosswise into 4-5 piece and drizzle with green sauce to serve.

此电算程序也适用于受压杆件有横向均布荷载作用的情况。This program is also suitable to the situation of imposing on crosswise distribution load.

实践证明本文提出的横向加固方案是成功的。The practice proved in this article proposed the crosswise reinforcement plan is successful.

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染色牛津纺系涤棉纱为经纱,纯棉纱为纬纱交织而成的织物。In weaving, lengthwise yarns are called warp and crosswise yarns are called weft, or filling.

本文对价值观澄清和人格教育进行了横向和纵向研究。This paper has crosswise and vertical studies to Values Clarification and Character Education.

平开门不易受到强风压、交叉气流以及压力差的影响。OPDM hinge door will not be so easy to influence on the strong wind, crosswise current and pressure.