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让我们运行一下。And let's let it rip.

扯开,是金子!Rip it out, it's gold!

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可怜的小猪崽,安息。Poor little piglet RIP.

我的行李被撕了道口子。There’s a rip in my luggage.

是何方神圣能把一颗恒星拆散了?What could rip a star apart?

但我们会在黄昏之时将它掠去。But we will rip it away in dusk.

我要把你的破插座撕个稀巴烂!I'll rip your sockets to shreds!

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就像撕下创可贴一样,照直做吧。Like a Band-Aid, just rip it off.

没有什么屁可以冲得破我们的裤子。No fart could rip through trousers.

她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。She sewed up the rip in his sleeve.

安息。多么伟大的一生,多么鲜明的榜样!!RIP LKY. What a life, what an example ! !

那个新酒吧里卖的酒太宰人了。The drinks in that new bar are a rip off!

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这是一些不识时务的意见。This is the opinion of some Rip Van Winkle.

这是一些不识时务者的意见。This is the opinion of some Rip van Winkle.

你首先应当把这个盒子的封套扯掉。You should rip the cover off the box first.

“好吧,”他说,“把床垫撕烂。"Good for you," said he, "rip up the cloth.

愿灵安眠,深切问候奥巴马的家人。RIP Obama, best regards to the Obama family.

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这是一些不识时务的意见。This is the opinions of some Rip Van Winkle.

这是一些不识时务的意见。This is the opinions of some rip van winkle.

跟我学聪明点,否则我会撕烂你的脸!Get smart with me and I'll rip your face off.