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将军责成我制订战略行动计划。The general ordered me to strategize.

接下来考虑如何减轻贵公司的劣势.Next strategize on how you can mitigate your company's weaknesses

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怎么行动,怎么表现,如何存档相关文件和制定战略,都得有方法。Be methodical in how you behave, perform, document and strategize.

今天,我们将寻求方法制定一些策略去对付这一普遍现象。Today we’ll look at ways to strategize against this all-too-common phenomena.

或出策划您的朋友在快节奏的两名球员通行证即插即用模式。Or out- strategize your friends in the fast paced two player Pass 'n play mode.

经商就像游戏,你必须学习规则,制定策略获得奖品。Business is a game, you must learn the rules, and you must strategize to get the prize.

她们坐在那里运筹数小时,只为谋划咋样让顾客满意的办法。They sit and strategize for hours, plotting theirs way to theirs clients' satisfaction.

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从我父亲那里学会了一些基本游戏规则和移动方法后,我就开始琢磨应该如何去策划每一步棋。After learning the basic pieces and their moves from my father, I began to wonder how to strategize.

虽然我们有先前的经验作为指南,可是规划策略的时间却大幅减少。Although we had the experience of that earlier effort to guide us, there was far less time to strategize.

其次,我们将会为关于如何利用这新兴的协议从而使快速的扩大成为可能制定战略。Second, we will strategize on how to apply the emerging understanding so that a rapid scaling up may be possible.

在这一节的英语播客中,我们将知道的是在你处理危机的时候,制定策略和计划的重要性。In this Business English Pod lesson, we'll see how important it is to strategize and plan when you're handling a crisis.

在这节商务英语播客中,我们来看下当你处理危机时策划和计划时多么的重要。In this Business English Pod lesson, we’ll see how important it is to strategize and plan when you’re handling a crisis.

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因素在于管理哲学----公司融合人才的能力,以及通过新的和不同的办法来使公司处于尖端。It's management innovation—a company's ability to strategize , mobilize talented people, and allocate capital in new and different ways.

期让台湾对于中国专利代理产业有更深入的瞭解,以利进行相关决策。We, herewith, provide an advanced and extensive analogy of the Chinese patent agent industry to enable Taiwanese patent agencies to strategize.

有时候,玩有时间思考和制定战略或者目标是与他人合作取得胜利的游戏更加吸引人。Sometimes, it's more interesting to play games where you have time to think and strategize or where the goal is to cooperate with each other to win the game.

这一委员会由洛杉矶市官方人员、语言教师以及社区成员组成。他们定期举办会议以为如何将中文教学引入洛杉矶幼稚园至高中学校出谋划策。This city-wide committee made up of city officials, language educators, and community members meets regularly to strategize on how to bring Mandarin to Los Angeles K-12 schools.

通过更好地了解群组传递的价值,我们可以更好地创建群组。The Facebook news prompted us to try to articulate the value of group creation online. By better understanding the value that groups can deliver, we can better strategize our creation of groups.