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水墨绢本。Ink on silk.

如丝般柔软。As soft as silk.

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绸子摸起来很软。Silk feels soft.

这是真丝的吗?Is this real silk?

这些领带,它们都是纯丝的。They’re pure silk.

丝摸起来很柔软。Silk feels bendable.

泰国航空如丝般体贴。Thai smooth as silk.

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这是假皮的吗?Is this genuine silk?

这绸子会起皱。The silk will cockle.

没有事。这是真丝绢。No. This is pure silk.

其歌若悠扬丝竹。Its songs made of silk.

这是真丝的。It’s made of pure silk.

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泰航飞行,平滑如丝。Smooth as silk is Thai.

穿上开士米和丝绸。Wear cashmere and silk.

丝绸摸起来很滑。The silk feels very soft.

这条领带是蚕丝制成的。This tie is made of silk.

丝绸容易起皱。Silk cloth rumples easily.

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丝绸摸上去又软又滑。Silk feel soft and smooth.

他穿着丝绸衣服。He attired himself in silk.

我这件外衣是用绸子做的衬里。My coat is lined with silk.