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这个临时修建的摔跤场地在拉合尔郊外。This makeshift ring is on the outskirts of Lahore.

他们联合起来,组成一个临时但亲密的家人。Together they form a makeshift but close-knit family.

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迁就新闻界充其量只是个权宜之计。The accommodation for the press was makeshift at best.

菲尔用代用的鱼杆钓到了两条鱼。Phil used a makeshift fishing pole and caught two fish.

看护之家的临时帐篷搭建在比它更为坚固的帐篷中。Makeshift tents sit amid sturdier ones at the nursing home.

学生们围在煤炉旁边吃饭边取暖。Students eat huddled around makeshift coal burners for warmth.

巴萨本赛季已经使用了很多临时拼凑的后防组合。Barça have used a lot of makeshift defences so far this season.

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他大部分时间都睡在地上,有时睡在时搭建的竹床。He slept on the ground and sometimes on a makeshift bamboo bed.

靠在一面墙上的一张简陋睡椅上平躺着一个姑娘。On a makeshift couch against one wall a girl lay stretched out.

靠着临时搭的桌子,鲁芬正在帮着填写出生登记表。In makeshift desk, Rufin is filling out birth registration forms.

横跨在小水路上的临时竹桥遍布孟加拉国。Makeshift bamboo bridges span small waterways all over Bangladesh.

星期一,太子港。男人们为临时栖息地的设置平整土地。Men prepare ground for makeshift shelters Monday in Port-au-Prince.

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街上铺上了临时小道以加块碎石的清理。Makeshift tracks were laid on the streets to speed up rubble removal.

许多人住在学校或临时的路边避难处里。Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters.

沿着脏乱的陋巷,当地居民正在临时搭建的厨房里吃午饭。The locals are eating lunch in makeshift kitchens down grungy back alleys.

在华沙的洛克罗,人民在临时纪念物前放下花朵和蜡烛。People left flowers and candles at a makeshift memorial in Wroclaw, Poland.

在太子港海地人在一间临时住房排队等候领水。Haitians wait in line to get water at a makeshift shelter in Port-au-Prince.

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城市在悼念亡者,像这样的街头悼念形式出现了。Makeshift memorials like this one have appeared as the city mourns its loss.

例如,切勿将螺丝刀临时用作穿孔器、楔子或撬杆。For example, never use a screwdriver as a makeshift punch, wedge, or pry bar.

我没有把那一大串准备好的钥匙变成应急的指节铜环。I did not have my bunch of keys at the ready like a makeshift knuckle-duster.