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这里可以看到亚拉拉特山美丽的全貌。A wonderful panorama of the Ararat valley.

并从亚拉腊山的西部海域。And from the mountain of Ararat to the western sea.

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一处古代墓地,远处的雪山是亚拉拉特山。An ancient cemetery and a white top of Ararat on the right.

亚美尼亚民族色彩,在亚拉腊山的背景。National colours of Armenia, on the background of Mount Ararat.

它鼓舞了无数的远征在亚拉腊山寻找方舟。It has inspired countless expeditions to Mount Ararat in search of the ark.

之前的探险队也有带着诺亚方舟存在证据从亚拉拉特山归来的。Previous expeditions have also come back from Mount Ararat with evidence of Noah’s ark.

然而,仅仅是一场区域性的洪水是不会将诺亚方舟送至海拔12000英尺的亚拉拉特山的。However, a mere regional flood would not send Noah’s ark up 12, 000 feet on Mount Ararat.

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人的阿拉拉特人民之间的古代世界最先进,最强大的人。The Peoples of Ararat were among the most advanced and powerful people of the ancient world.

七月十七日,方舟停在亚拉腊山上。and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

七月十七日,船搁在亚拉腊山脉的一座山上。And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

它坐落在亚美尼亚与土耳其边境线的亚美尼亚一侧,从修道院里可以一览无余亚拉拉特山和亚拉拉特峡谷的美景。It is situated at the very border with Turkey and has a wonderful view of Mount Ararat and the Ararat valley.

福克斯新闻今天报道说,一支土耳其-中国联合探险队宣称在亚拉山发现了诺亚方舟。Fox News reported today about a joint Turkish-Chinese expedition that claims to have found Naoh's ark on Mount Ararat.

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由于语言障碍,华工不理解新的法律,在阿拉瑞特矿区,几乎没有华工购买居住票。Due to language difficulties, the Chinese didn't understand the new law and very few on the Ararat diggings purchased a residence ticket.

从边境哨所开车到酒店于两侧的积雪,海拔在5000与上夕阳米亚拉腊山。The drive from the border post to the hotel was flanked by snow capped, Mt Ararat at 5000 metres above sea level with the sun setting on it.

Price本人也长期搜寻着方舟,作为搜寻诺亚方舟有限责任公司的一个成员,他曾数次上亚拉拉特山探险。Price is a longtime searcher himself for the ark. As a member of Noah’s Ark Search LLC, he had gone on a number of expeditions to Mount Ararat.

一日在他的神尼斯洛庙里叩拜,他儿子亚得米勒和沙利色用刀杀了他,就逃到亚拉腊地。One day, while he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer cut him down with the sword, and they escaped to the land of Ararat.

据国外媒体28日报道,中国和土耳其的探险队员称,他们在土耳其亚拉拉特山海拔1.3万英尺的位置找到了传说中诺亚方舟的船身残骸。A group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers claim they've found the remains of Noah's Ark 13000 feet up on Mount Ararat in Turkey, foreign media reported Wednesday.

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该小组说,他们在恢复从土耳其东部的亚拉腊山的结构,碳测年证明是四千八百年岁左右的同时,方舟,据说已被顺流,木制标本。The team say they recovered wooden specimens from a structure on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey that carbon dating proved was 4800 years old, around the same time the ark is said to have been afloat.