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暴徒们袭击银行和邮局。Rioter attack the bank and post office.

一个暴乱者一定用这大石头砸了一些可怜的路人!A rioter must have thrown this huge stone at some poor passerby !

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但是大多数人强烈反对使用“抗议者”这个词,而且许多人甚至都不高兴使用“暴徒”这个词。But the majority objected forcefully to the word protester, and many were not even happy with rioter.

按照你们美国人的法律标准及做事原则,洛杉矶街头的暴徒不会被射击吧?According to your American standards of law and order, won't the rioter on the LA street being shot at?

并得出淤塞性河流对地下水的补给主要在洪水季节的结论。The result obtained is that the recharge of silting and blocking rioter to groundwater is mainly in spating season.

之后,张上车准备离开,一名暴徒跳上车顶,而其他人则用旗杆砸车。Then when Zhang was in his car leaving the temple, a rioter jumped onto the vehicle's roof, and others hit the car with flag poles.

有一个问题,高压水枪和塑料子弹或许只会让暴乱者和抢匪的情绪更加激昂。One problem is that both water cannon and plastic bullets might merely heighten the levels of excitement for the committed rioter and looter.

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作者认为,民众法观念是一种隐形的、间接的经济调控力量,是超越市场与政府的“第三只手”。By studying the food rioter during the transition period to market economy, this paper tries to discuss the regulating function of the crowds legal notion.

本文以英国向市场经济转型中的粮食骚动者为例,对民众传统法律观念这种经济调控方式进行了初步探讨。By studying the food rioter during the transition period to market economy, this paper tries to discuss the regulating function of the crowds' legal notion.

意大利共和报本周一引述一位匿名示威者的话说,他和其他的人常常一起去希腊寻求那里的示威者们的建议。The Italian daily La Repubblica quoted one unnamed rioter on Monday saying that he and others had regularly travelled to Greece to get tips from protesters there.

在最近伦敦海布里的一起起诉一名11岁酗酒闹事者的案件中,庭警把她从法庭中驱赶出来,导致她被迫在一家发廊中完成了她的创作。During the recent prosecution of an 11-year-old rioter in Highbury, London, she was forced to complete her sketch in a hairdresser's salon, after court security turfed her out of the lobby.