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请一定要完成外出申请。Please be sure to complete egress application.

较高的座椅位置使入口和出口容易。A high seating position makes ingress and egress easy.

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他父母经常外出而把他一个人留在家里。But his parents egress frequently remain him in the family.

高等继续教育发展的出路在于产业化。The egress of China's high continual education is industrialization.

受保护区域要满足所有的生命安全法规对出口的要求。The secured area should meet all life safety code egress requirements.

检查,监控项目人员和来访人员的通道和出口。Monitor and control access and egress of project personnel and visitors.

发生火灾时的紧急出口位于走廊的两侧和楼梯的下面。The egress in case of a fire is on either side of the hallway and down the stairs.

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在所有永久性外围大门的现场进出都将用登记系统跟踪。Site ingress and egress at all permanent perimeter gates will be tracked with a badging system.

犀牛装甲运兵车拥有两侧的舱门以及一个宽大的后车门和一个顶部舱门,用作便于进出的作战出口。Rhinos have two side hatches, as well as a wide rear door and upper hatch, making for easy combat egress.

这些字段用于管理进入和出去的包队列,以及不同的CPU来访问这些设备。These fieldsareused to manage ingress and egress packet queues and accesstothe device from different CPUs.

安全疏散分析与设计是建筑防火分析与设计的重要内容。Safety egress analysis and design is an important part of fire protection analysis and design of buildings.

性能化防火设计中人员能否安全疏散用可用疏散时间、所需疏散时间来判断。The safe egress of the people in the design can be judged by the available egress time and required egress time.

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在发送数据包之前使用。这个函数返回下一个网关和使用的出口设备。Used before transmitting a packet. This function returns both the next hop gateway and the egress device to use.

这些字段用于管理进入和出去的包队列,以及不同的CPU来访问这些设备。These fields are used to manage the ingress and egress packet queues and access to the device from different CPUs.

建筑师同时提供了很多可以直接从建筑通向各层的出入口,这也使建筑师省去了一些防火门和楼梯。They also provide direct egress from the building at multiple levels, allowing SOM to forgo fire doors and stairs.

交通在人们进出城市方面起着很重要的作用,而城市的各行各业要靠交通来吸引和服务顾客。Transport plays a role in access, and egress from a city, on which businesses rely to attract and serve customers.

看他预备东西,我猜是大门开了,于是从硬邦邦的长椅上起来,预备随着他走。I guessed, by his preparations, that egress was allowed, and, leaving my hard couch, made a movement to follow him.

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联系上下文,术语进口和输入将会可交换地被用,同样的对应出口和输出。In those contexts, the terms ingress and input will be used interchangeably . The same applies to egress and output.

其关键点在于攻击机采用转弯退出战术把激光束连续地照射目标的战术要求和退出意图二者融合。The major is to egress in turning, which synthesizes tactical requirement to shoot the target with the laser bundle and motive to egress.

但是,锂离子碳酸盐和其他类似材料为晶体结构只能单方向进出。However, in the case of lithium iron phosphate and other, similar, materials, the crystal structure allows entrance and egress in only one direction.