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你将要跪在地上,双腿交叉坐着。You're going to be sitting crisscross applesauce.

而“墨水”感觉像是苹果酱看起来却像糖霜一样。The "ink" feels like applesauce and looks like icing.

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谁知道1克苹果酱到底有多少吗?Is there anyone who knows what a gram of applesauce look like?

无愚昧的欢愉就如无苹果的苹果酱。for happiness without ignorance is like applesauce without apples.

不过,今天女儿似乎不太喜欢苹果泥酸酸的味道。But, the daughter as if not too likes the applesauce acid flavor today.

很多人都喜欢拿土豆饼沾苹果酱,我也喜欢吃的时候沾很多苹果酱。Most people dip the latkes in applesauce . I like mine with a lot of applesauce.

苹果酱也是一个很好的选择,可以让你的孩子吃一点水果。Applesauce is also a good choice, you can allow your child to eat a little fruit.

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另一项研究是把苹果酱样品经脉动电场处理后,再经微热处理。Another study subjected applesauce samples to PEF followed by mild heat treatment.

你将要跪在地上,双腿交叉坐着。You're going to be on your knees. You're going to be sitting crisscross applesauce.

如果你把酸果蔓煮成苹果酱那样,它们尝起来比大黄更像李子。If you stew cranberries like applesauce , they taste more like plums than rhubarb does.

经处理过的苹果酱无菌包装到塑料杯子里,在室温条件下保存。The processed applesauce was aseptically packed into plastic cups and stored at room temperature.

新鲜苹果有丰富的纤维和营养成分的损失时,他们加工成苹果酱。Fresh apples have an abundance of fiber and nutrients that are lost when they are processed into applesauce.

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把夹心饼和煎饼放进那烤面包机然后在顶端放进一些苹果酱和肉桂油太容易了吧,呵呵!Pop a frozen waffle or pancake into the toaster and top it with warm applesauce and cinnamon. Too easy, huh?

评估表明,经处理过的苹果酱在470天的储存期内具有很高的感官质量。Evaluations indicated that the processed applesauce maintained high sensory quality during 470 days of storage.

她说,母亲把菜园中的大量收成做成罐头,使家里一年到头都能吃上味道鲜美的蕃茄、苹果酱和大黄。She canned a lot of its yield so the family had fresh-tasting tomatoes, applesauce and rhubarb throughout the year.

许多食品是健康的,否则,如果汁,酸奶,苹果不需要添加染色剂,以吸引儿童。Many foods that are otherwise healthy such as juice, yogurt, and applesauce add unneeded colourings to entice children.

约翰?格伦,第一位绕地环行的美国宇航员,在他的首次飞行时带有软管包装的苹果酱。John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, carried pureed applesauce in squeezable tubes on his initial space flight.

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也正是为此,今天我们看到的ketchup是红色的,与更接近这个词本意的酱油相比,有着像苹果酱一样的粘稠度。And so it is that what we call ketchup is red and has a consistency of applesauce instead of more closely resembling soysauce.

这一研究证明,在生产高质量、耐储存的苹果酱产品时,可以先经脉动电场处理,接着经微热处理。This research demonstrated that following PEF with mild heat may be used in producing high-quality, shelf-stable applesauce products.

南瓜泥有多种吃法,它还可以和许多食物混合着吃,例如辣椒,马铃薯泥,意大利面酱,燕麦片和苹果酱。Pureed pumpkin is versatile and can be mixed into a variety of foods, such as chili, mashed potatoes, spaghetti sauce, oatmeal and applesauce.