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今天是独立日吗?It’s Independence Day?

何时是独立节?。When is Independence Day?

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独立节是在七月。Independence Day is in July.

他们渴望独立。They thirsted for independence.

需要多少的独立性呢?How much independence does it take?

对,祝你独立日快乐。Yes. Happy Independence Day to you.

美国独立日快乐,好好过吧。Happy Independence Day. Use it well.

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我欣赏你的勇气和自立。I admire your spunk and independence.

我们在哪一天庆祝国庆?。When do we celebrate Independence Day?

我敬佩她的独立精神和勇气。I admired her independence and her spunk.

确定泡囊狸殖的独立性。Confirm the independence of P. veocularis.

珍妮独立自强,充满活力。Janie brims with independence and strength.

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古巴于1898年脱离西班牙而获得独立。Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898.

甚至连独立大厅的钟也敲响了。Even the bell in Independence Hall was rung.

我国独立似乎消失在烟霞。My independence seems to vanish in the haze.

所以想象你的独立日吧?So what does your independence day look like?

我的神格就是独立。The attribute of my divinity is independence.

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战争终结了祖鲁作为独立国家的历史。The war ended the Zulu nation's independence.

独竖一帜,自行其道!Erection of a independence flag, its own Road!

一九四七年印度脱离英国独立。India gained independence from Britain in 1947.