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美国的成功使它变得僵化。America's success has made it sclerotic.

病灶近髓腔侧有细的硬化线。Well-defined sclerotic edge near the medulla.

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四肢皮肤明显硬化萎缩,部分关节强直固定。The lesions were markedly atrophic and sclerotic . Some joints were stiffened.

乙肝患者出现肝硬化,腹水还能治疗好吗?Occurrence liver of second liver patient is sclerotic , can be ascites still treated?

影像上表现为囊状、膨胀性透亮影,伴有硬化边,皮质可以保留。Imaging shows a lytic, lucent, expansile lesion with sclerotic margins that spares cortex.

肝移植治疗一例胆汁性肝硬变,硬化性胆管炎。A cases with biliary cirrhosis and sclerotic cholangitis underwent the liver transplantation.

目的探讨介入性超声腔内给药加硬化治疗肝包虫病的应用价值。Objective This report is intended to probe into the practical value of sclerotic treatment of.

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动脉瘤样骨囊肿表现为膨胀性囊性病变,伴有分隔和硬化边。Aneurysmal bone cysts present as expansile lytic lesions with septations and sclerotic margins.

组织病理改变符合硬化性萎缩性苔藓。The change of histopathology on the vulva lesion was consistent with sclerotic atrophic lichen.

这再次提醒人们,到了2012年,失去活力的国际需求将会拖累中国的经济增长。That’s another reminder that sclerotic global demand will be a drag on China’s growth into 2012.

此期的前一期为溶解期,紧接着为硬化期。This stage is preceded by a mainly lytic phase and is followed by a "burnt out" sclerotic phase.

结论X线骨盆及其骨小梁改变分别是氟骨症检查的首选部位和可靠指标。X-ray change of pelvis and bony trabecula are selected as reliable index for diagnosis of sclerotic fluorosis.

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全新的可能性,反学院主义的期待,冲入了僵化的体系。The possibility of something entirely new, the expectation of anti-academicism, flushed into the sclerotic system.

而且,胸部、腹部和盆腔CT检查发现肩部、脊柱、盆骨和髂嵴部位存在钙化灶。Also, a CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis showed sclerotic foci in the shoulder, spine, and pelvis, and iliac crest.

结论X线骨盆及其骨小梁改变分别是氟骨症检查的首选部位和可靠指标。Conclusions X-ray change of pelvis and bony trabecula are selected as reliable index for diagnosis of sclerotic fluorosis.

终末期或硬化期,成骨细胞的活性占优势并形成增厚增大的硬化骨。The final phase, or sclerotic phase, is when osteoblastic activity predominates with formation of thickened and enlarged sclerotic bone.

他们比任何外国专家更清楚地看见普京的政府“人工指南”政府系统是多么的生硬。But they see clearer than any foreign experts how sclerotic Putin's "manual guidance" system of government is.There is no one at the helm.

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博物馆提出了“跨越文化,跨越时间”的宗旨,以摒弃传统的风格标签或者僵化的文化观念。The editorial direction is "Crossing cultures, crossing time", intended to disrupt conventional style labels and sclerotic views of culture.

经典的慢性肾病进展的生物标记物包括定量蛋白尿,硬化的肾小球比例,局灶性间质纤维化比例。"Classical" biomarkers of CKD progression include quantitative proteinuria, the percentage of sclerotic glomeruli or fractional interstitial fibrosis.

混凝土硬化过程中,弹性模量和抗拉强度都增长,弹性模量增长的速度大于抗拉强度增长速度时,就容易开裂。Concrete sclerotic process, elastic modulus and tensile strength is growing, elastic modulus growth faster than tensile strength growth, it is easy craze.