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我希望我同这个令人遗憾的决定撇清关系。I wish to disassociate myself from this very sad decision.

我意愿离开一切相关的疾病机械装置。I intend to disassociate from all related disease machinery.

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他提议委员会应同这种行为撇清关系。He proposed that the Council should disassociate itself from such behaviour.

会计人员还应避免披露误导性信息。Accountants should also disassociate themselves from any attempts to disclose misleading information.

他们完全不能无视自己的感受,假装一切都正常。They simply do not have the ability to disassociate from their feelings and pretend that everything is okay.

我们决定从此以后互不认识。从今天起我不认识他们俩。We vow to disassociate ourselves from one another from now on. Starting today, I don't know these two any more.

换句话说,我们需要从当前的员工去除关联,而将它分配给新的员工。In other words, we need to disassociate the computer from the current employee and assign it to the new employee.

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我检查了选项快车,发现一个盒子在那里我可以取消选中与要脱离快车。torrent文件。I checked the options on FlashGet and found a box where I can uncheck to disassociate FlashGet with . torrent file.

宣布该人留在BDW的其他球员与你和他们完全脱离自己。Announce that person's presence to the other players in the BDW with you and disassociate yourself from them entirely.

我们不能脱离在这个地区当前整体战略力量平衡的发展。"We cannot disassociate current developments from the overall strategic balance of power, " in the region, says Professor Han.

概括地说,真主党要求政府与法庭脱离关系,并承诺不会逮捕被控告的人。In general terms, Hezbollah had asked the government to disassociate itself from the tribunal and to state it would not arrest those it indicted.

让思想处于“玩”的状态,这是激发创造性思维最有效的方法。但是,很多人把玩跟工作分开。Allowing your mind to be at play is perhaps the most effective way to stimulate creative thinking, and yet many people disassociate play from work.

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司布真伟大之处在于他看到,即使他自己要与他自己的宗派脱离关系,只要真理这样要求,他就会这样做。Spurgeon was magnanimous enough to see that even though he had to disassociate himself from his own denomination, he would do it if the truth so demanded.

你知道坠入爱河最容易的方法吗?只要你同一个人分享你所有的快乐,而避开所有的不悦。Do you to know the easiest way to fall in love Just associate with all your pleasant experience with someone, and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones.

想知道一个坠入爱河的好方法吗?就是跟某个人一起去分享那些美好的经历,并去除那些不好的。Do you want to know a good way to fall in love? Just associate with all your pleasant experiences with someone, and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones.

这个信念就是内部的力量,让你把市场的“现在”和思想环境的过去分开。This belief acts as an internal force causing you to disassociate the "now" moment in the market from any previous moment filed away in your mental environment.

显示“源代码管理”对话框,以便允许您从源代码管理中移除选定的项,并且永久性地断开这些项与其当前文件夹的关联。Displays the source control dialog box to allow you to remove selected items from source control and permanently disassociate the items from their present folders.

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氰基丙烯酸酯粘合剂如误入眼部,将粘附于眼部蛋白质之上,而后通常在数小时之内陆续脱落。Cyanoacrylate introduced into the eyes will attach it self to the eye protein and well disassociate form it over intermittent periods, generally covering several hours.

而问题在于,由于核心内的高温,水分子会分解为氧和氢——一种易爆混合气体,于是也确实在第三层护罩外爆炸了。The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can "disassociate" into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture.

同时,监督员在工厂发起了一个系统的斗争恐吓普通的成员,迫使他们不得参与新的工会。Meanwhile, supervisors in the factory launched a systematic intimidation campaign against rank-and-file members to force them to disassociate themselves from the new union.