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绿烟,我有事要去皇都一趟。Green smoke, I preoccupy and go to emperors all 1.

犯罪和对犯罪的恐惧一直困扰着这个社区。Crime and the fear of crime preoccupy the community.

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不过当时有另外的事情分了他的心。But at the moment he had other things to preoccupy him.

房妈妈也抹起眼泪来了。Mother Fang likewise puts on to preoccupy consideration tears.

我们是否回应这呼召,或者我们已被自己要做的事所霸占?Did we respond to the call or are we preoccupy with our own interest?

红族人并没有将自身迷恋在这类娱乐形式之中。The red race did not preoccupy themselves with such forms of entertainment.

中国人抢先占据了俄罗斯的远东地区,他们的出现是相当明显的。It is the Chinese which preoccupy the Russian Far East and their presence is highly visible.

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中美关系将日益成为全球关注的焦点似乎不可避免。It seems inevitable that Chinese--American relations will increasingly come to preoccupy the world.

如此一来,所有那些占据了你大部分精力的情感、家庭以及职业方面的事务就迎刃而解了。As such, all the emotional, family and professional affairs that preoccupy most of you will be settled.

明智的男人会考虑失败的可能性,但他不会让自己沉迷于无谓的担心当中。An intelligent man considers the prospect of failure, but he doesn't preoccupy himself with pointless worry.

鲍威尔担任这个职位期间,仍将继续关注1996年电信法的实施状况。The implementation of the 1996 act will continue to preoccupy Powell for the duration of his time as commissioner.

压力过大或过于苛刻的人际关系可能会占满你的时间和精力,以至于忽略了自己的健康。Stressful or demanding relationships may preoccupy your mind and consume your time so that you neglect your own health.

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这一问题现在仍然困扰着我们,而莫伊尼汉的观点依然为学者所关注,并因此将学者们分成了不同的阵营。This question continues to haunt us, and Moynihan's arguments about black culture still preoccupy and divide academics.

如果你实际上没有做一件事的意愿,那么这件事情从现在开始就不能占有你的时间。If you don’t have any intention of actually doing it then this isn’t something that should preoccupy your time right now.

但如今在首相的心中,最值得全神贯注的地方显然不在喀什穆和坎大哈,而是在国内。But it is not hearts and minds in Kabul and Kandahar that most preoccupy the PM now, but hearts and minds much closer to home.

关于他们的孩子将要居住的这个世界,他们的关心一如他人,他们的担忧一如我们心里想的那些。They have the same concerns as everyone else about the world their children will inhabit, the same worries that preoccupy us all.

掌握思想形态跟进食、及包括人类当前所沉溺的娱乐在内的许多努力无关。Mastery of thought-form has little to do with eating or the many endeavors including entertainment that humans currently preoccupy themselves with.

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决策者渴求各种说明任何经济问题的数据,这一现象没有逃过观察家的眼睛。This hunger for any data that measures whatever aspect of the economy appears to preoccupy policymakers has not gone unnoticed by publicity-seekers.

他指出,即便在考虑大多数贸易模型所关注的关税与运输成本之前,进入海外市场的努力也是相当昂贵的。Entering a foreign market is an expensive endeavour, he points out, even before firms encounter the tariffs or transport costs that preoccupy most trade models.

幻影天舞很鄙视的看了一眼楚仲说道,“你听说过法能吸收卫士这种NPC守卫么?”"The unreal picture disco in the sky despises quite much of saw an eye Chu Zhong say, " you once heard can the usage preoccupy bodyguard this kind of NPC guard?