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他住在萨福克郡。He lives in Suffolk.

我住在离伦敦60英里远的萨福斯。I live about 60 miles from London in Suffolk.

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小分行,并于1819年创建了Suffolk系统。They created what was called the Suffolk System in 1819.

这些罂粟生长于萨克福马附近拉什米尔圣安德鲁的一块田地里。These poppies are in a field in Rushmere St Andrew, near Suffolk.

后来,迈克尔被换到了位于萨福克郡的海坡因特不设防监狱。Michael was later transferred to Highpoint open prison in Suffolk.

她和多萝西购入一套位于萨福克海岸的周末渡假小屋She and Dorothy had bought a weekend cottage on the Suffolk coast.

于是,Suffolk银行成为了银行主的银行,并且这一直持续到1860年。So the Suffolk Bank became a banker's bank and it lasted until 1860.

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一个多才多艺的刑事大律师,他愉快地生活在农村萨福克妻子。A versatile criminal big lawyer, he living happily in rural Suffolk wife.

约翰萨福克将会驻扎的深圳,像布罗斯一样,它可以直接向任正非汇报。Suffolk will be based in Shenzhen and, like Bross, will report directly to CEO Ren.

当我25岁的时候,我成为了区域经理,在萨克福县分管35家商店。By the time I was 25, I was a district manager, running 35 stores in Suffolk County.

考德尔被押回萨福克郡,审判地点预定在埃德蒙兹贝里街的公共广场。Corder was taken back to Suffolk where he was tried at Shire Hall, Bury St. Edmunds.

法定准备金率就像,英格兰银行做的那样,或是Suffolk银行之前做的一样。Reserve requirements are like what the Bank of England did or the Suffolk Bank did long ago.

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萨福克遗嘱检验和家庭事务法庭的一位书记员称,上周提交的这份离婚申请还未经审理。A clerk for the Suffolk Probate and Family Court said the case, filed last week, is impounded.

当我走进萨克福大学,要求报读时,接待员用轻蔑的眼神看着我。The receptionist looked at me with disdain when I walked into Suffolk College asking to enrol.

南萨福克公羊也许能与任一种母羊生产出头等羊羔。South Suffolk rams may be used on any breed of ewe and will even produce prime lambs from Merino ewes.

利用微卫星DNA在萨福克羊群体中的多态性预测绵羊群体的肉用性能。The meat performance of Suffolk sheep population was forecasted by polymorphism of micro-satellite DNA.

萨福克郡警方表示,这些蒙面嫌犯在周六凌晨2点左右突然进入这栋位于东派奇欧格的民宅。Suffolk County police said the masked suspects descended on the East Patchogue home around 2 a. m. Saturday.

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萨福克县地区检察官丹尼尔康利说该案“谋杀手段极其隐秘凶残,”。The murder was “committed in a very personal, violent way, ” says Suffolk County district attorney Daniel Conley.

伍匹德的绿孩子其实是有两个孩子,他们在12世纪时出现于英国索夫克郡伍匹德的一个乡村里。The Green Children of Woolpit were two children who appeared in the of Woolpit in Suffolk , UK, in the 12th century.

南萨福克公羊拥有强大的生命力,能为商业交配提供更多的时间。South Suffolk rams possess great libido and seem to last more years which is a great plus for the commercial breeder.