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或者鬼子的刺刀?。Or a jap bayonet?

这人并没有刺刀。This man had no bayonet.

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刺刀将他刺穿。The bayonet thrust him through.

你的刺刀是把不错的剪线钳。Your bayonet makes a good wire cutter.

哪怕胸口对着带血的刺刀!Even with bloody bayonet piercing my heart

刺刀戳入靶子。The bayonet penetrates through the target.

你的仇家在你上刺刀时大笑。You fors laugh when you mount your bayonet.

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他用刺刀猛刺那头野猪。He jabbed at the wild boar with his bayonet.

刺刀是一种两头站着工人的杀戮工具。a bayonet was a tool with a worker at each end

刺刀刃是用最优质的钢锻造的。A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel.

士兵们奉命进行劈刺训练。The soldiers were ordered to do bayonet practice.

你的刺刀实际上是一把完美的牛排餐刀。Your bayonet is actually a pretty good steak knife.

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你可以装好刺刀后恫吓你的仇家。You can intimidate your foe with the bayonet mounted.

教官正在教士兵们使用刺刀。The drillmaster is drilling privates how to use bayonet.

李贞带领大家同敌人拼刺刀。Lee Jeong-led everyone in a bayonet fight with the enemy.

反手,从那人手里把匕首捏过来。Anti- hand kneads bayonet to come over from that hand inside.

在他逝世的忌日里,我决不拔出刺刀。I would never bare a bayonet on the anniversary of his death.

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他们用刺刀逼着我们给他们修碉堡。They drove us at bayonet point to build blockhouses for them.

不要摆花架子,把你们的刺刀插向敌人的心脏。Do not place showy, leave your bayonet into the enemy's heart.

他的上了刺刀的步枪斜靠在墙上。His rifle with the bayonet fixed was leaning against the wall.