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从前军事上最使用的一种小型的,无人驾驶的“无人飞机”。It used to be mostly the military that used small, unpiloted aircraft, called "drones."

目前还没有人到过比月球更远的地方,不过,无人驾驶的探测船已经超越此限了。No human being has yet gone farther than the Moon, but unpiloted probes have gone much farther.

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“云霄塔”系无人驾驶,它没有外部助推火箭,其发动机靠氢氧燃料提供推力。The unpiloted Skylon has no external rockets, and its engines uses hydrogen and oxygen for propulsion.

被公布的“太空飞机”天龙有望为外太空之旅提供廉价而可靠的途径。It is hoped Skylon, an unpiloted 'spaceplane', will provide both cheap and reliable access to outer space

8月31日,满载垃圾和废品的无人驾驶的国际空间站“进步38号”太空船离开了空间站返回地球。Laden with trash and junk, the unpiloted supply vehicle ISS Progress 38 leaves the International Space Station on August 31.

有关机构也将研究操作和安全问题,将无人驾驶飞行器与当前的空中交通控制系统整合在一起。The agency also will investigate the operation and safetyissues associated with integrating unpiloted aircraft into today's air trafficcontrol system.

本次无人发射实验测试了一种用于未来太空船紧急救援的替代性设想,以便使火箭在发射台或上升段出现问题时让全体乘员安全脱离。The unpiloted launch tested an alternate concept for safely propelling a future spacecraft and its crew away from a problem on the launch pad or during ascent.

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新一代的无人机,以及导航设备,很多已经采用了基于生物视觉原理的景象匹配导航技术。The new unpiloted aircraft and navigation device has adopted the technology of vision navigation. For Image Matching Navigation, it's not enough for visible light image.

该无人驾驶工艺,它可以从一个机场的跑到起飞,没有外部火箭和两个引擎使用氢气和氧气来推动它进入太空超过18英里。The unpiloted craft, which can take off from an airport runway, has no external rockets and two engines use hydrogen and oxygen to propel it more than 18 miles into space.

伊拉克安全部队处于高警戒状态,美国空军在首都上空穿梭,无人驾驶侦察机低空飞行,战斗喷气机高空呼啸。Iraqi security forces were placed on high alert and American aircraft — unpiloted reconnaissance drones flying low, and fighter jets roaring high above —crossed the capital.