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这意味着程序员必须始终跟踪或重新计算剩余的空间。That means programmers have to keep track or recompute how much space is left all the time.

但是,这会导致你的活动重新计算和重绘基于新的大小布局。However, this causes your activity to recompute and redraw the layout based on its new size.

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每个星期,他们在Hadoop科研集群上重新计算他们关于类别的机器学习模式Every week they recompute their machine learning models for categories in a science Hadoop cluster

点击这个按键将根据当前镜头数据重新计算每个视场的渐晕因子。Clicking on this button will recompute the vignetting factors for each field based upon the current lens data.

这个规则被适当更新,服务器从表达式中重新计算新的变量清单。The rule would be properly updated and the server would recompute the new list of variables from the expression.

远程存储将在上创建一个任务,验证远程存储文件并重新计算远程存储用法统计数据。Remote Storage will create a task on to validate remote storage files and recompute statistics on remote storage usage.

当网路拓扑改变,交换器与桥接器会重新计算扩充树,此时会导致网路流量的中断。When the network topology changes, switches and bridges recompute the spanning-tree and cause a disruption in network traffic.

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我想要大家通过定义好的方法,来改变实例的值了,因为我可以把这个功能,内置到方法里面去,它的意思就是如果,你改变一个值。Because I could've built that in, it says if you change the value of this thing, by the way you need to change recompute those other values in order to make this hold up.

我想要大家通过定义好的方法,来改变实例的值了,因为我可以把这个功能,内置到方法里面去,它的意思就是如果,你改变一个值。Because I could've built that in, it says if you change the value of this thing, by the way you need to change recompute those other values in order to make this hold up.

该算法在选代过程中不必重新形成扩展海森矩阵的因子表,显著地缩短了每次选代时间。In this method it is not necessary to recompute the two sparse decoupled Hessian matrices during iteration therefore the execution time for one iteration process is extremly shortened.