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肾间质血管充血。Hyperemia was found in the kidney mesenchyme.

结论①肌肉神经组织起源于间质组织。Conclusions Neuromuscular tissue of pylorus originates from mesenchyme.

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它来源于真皮的间叶细胞,位于毛囊的基部。It is derived from the dermis mesenchyme , located at the base of the hair follicle.

因此,成年干细胞似乎可以取代胚胎间质,来生成新牙齿。Thus, it seems embryonic mesenchyme can be replaced with adult stem cells to generate new teeth.

人食道癌间质中可见多量类胰蛋白酶阳性细胞。There were lots of tryptase -positive mast cells in the mesenchyme of the human carcinoma tissue of esophagus.

方法应用上皮性抗体和间叶性抗体标记喉梭型细胞癌细胞成分,观察其免疫学特性。Methods Use epidemic antibody and mesenchyme antibody to mark the cell of spindle cell carcinoma, to observe their immunological character.

上皮-间充质间相互作用在所有的外胚层来源的器官的发育早期均起到重要的调节作用。Similar sequential and reciprocal interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme regulate the early steps of development in all ectodermal organs.

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目的利用神经干细胞特异性标志蛋白鉴定人类羊膜组织中多分化潜能神经前体细胞的存在。ObjectiveTo characterize the neural progenitor cell in the human amnion mesenchyme and epithelial layer with specific mark proteins of neural stem cell.

举例来说,如果以成年骨髓的干细胞取代口腔间质,移植体就会制造出构造正确的牙齿。When stem cells from adult bone marrow took the place of oral mesenchyme , for example, the transplanted constructs produced structurally correct teeth.

已有研究显示BMP-2在胚胎发育中是上皮与间质相互作用的重要信号分子。Some researches have shown that BMP -2 is an important signal molecule in the interaction between the epithelium and mesenchyme during embryonic development.

结论维甲酸能够影响胚鼠发育中腭突腭间充质细胞增殖,导致日后骨量发育不足,形成腭裂。Conclusion RA affects the proliferation of the embryonic palate mesenchyme cells. This results in insufficient development of palatal shelves and leads to cleft palate.

上皮越往下深入时,就会包围住聚集的间质组织,最后在约14周时,形成一个底部有开口的钟形构造。As the epithelium penetrates farther, it wraps itself around the condensing mesenchyme , eventually forming a bell-shaped structure, open at its bottom, around 14 weeks.

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的变化,被称为“病理气道重塑”,影响上皮细胞,底层间质和这些组织之间发生的相互营养的相互作用。The changes, termed 'pathological airway remodeling', affect the epithelium, the underlying mesenchyme and the reciprocal trophic interactions that occur between these tissues.

初级性索退化,次级性索形成,原始生殖细胞迁入,被间质分隔成原始卵泡。The primary sex cord degenerates, and the secondary sex cord forms, then the primordial germ cells migrate into it, and were divided by the mesenchyme into the primordial follicles.

牙齿是典型的上皮-间充质器官,由原口腔上皮和其下方的神经嵴来源的外胚间充质相互作用而形成。Tooth is a typical epithelium-mesenchyme organ, which is formed through the mutual function between the original oral epithelium and epiblastic mesenchyme from the neural crest below.

本质上,这个方法必须深入了解控制初期牙齿形成的基本原理,也必须了解哪些细胞可扮演胚胎口腔上皮与间质的角色。In essence, the method requires an understanding of the basic principles controlling early tooth formation and a source of cells to play the roles of embryonic oral epithelium and mesenchyme.