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他把他的小儿子宠坏了。He spoilt his little son.

他把整个事情都搞糟了。He spoilt the whole thing.

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恐怕我是来得太迟了。Anne is so frightfully spoilt.

我们的旅行被坏天气搞砸了。Our trip was spoilt by bad weather.

那个娇惯坏了的孩子坐在那里撅嘴。The spoilt child sat there pouting.

她承认是妈妈把她惯坏了。She admitted that her mother had spoilt her.

他眼睛上方的创痕使他破了相。The cuts above his eye have spoilt his looks.

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这阵大雨把公园里的花全浇坏了。The heavy rain has spoilt the flowers in the park.

今天我照看邻居家骄惯坏了的双胞胎。Today, I babysat my neighbour's spoilt bratty twins.

这部电影被不实际的牵强情节给毁了。The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot.

他脾气不好,现在你把这一趟拜访搞糟烂啦。He was in a bad temper, and now you've spoilt your visit.

庄稼遭到破坏的地方都在闹饥荒。There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt.

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失信成本过低会纵容“坏孩子”。Too low a credit-loss cost may connive "the spoilt children".

塔姆西是个有钱人,过着放纵而颓废的生活。Tamsin is rich, spoilt and trying to live a life of seductive decadence.

艾文和鲁思与他们被宠坏了的表弟尤斯特回到纳尼亚。Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia with their spoilt cousin Eustace Scrubb.

庄稼遭受水灾毁坏的地方都在闹饥荒。There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt by the flood.

但对于市面上众多的抗老产品,是否让您无从做出选择?But with so many anti-aging products in the market, are you spoilt for choice?

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艾滋病医生们并没有被可选择性的方法所干扰,以至于他们可以忽视这些新的方法。AIDS doctors are not so spoilt for options that they can afford to ignore new ones.

进而言之,有没有可能在不合适的时间干不合适的事,…Further, there can be no doubt that a work is spoilt when not done at the right time?

所以对于你身边被宠坏的嬉皮士来说,有什么会比混合燕麦卷更好的呢?So for the spoilt hippy in your life, what could be more wonderful than MixMyGranola.