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你能复制这个扳手吗?Could you reproduce the wrench?

多数植物靠种子繁殖。Most plants reproduce by seeds.

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这照片会印得很清楚。The picture will reproduce well.

看他们怎样重现大话西游剧场版。See how they reproduce we theatre.

我希望能够再现荷马的原话I wish I could reproduce the Homer.

龙虾能使失去的肢体重新再生出来。Lobsters can reproduce a lost limb.

如何不开花植物重现?。How Do Non-Flowering Plants Reproduce?

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这张照片可以很清晰地复印出来。This photograph will reproduce clearly.

现在,脂肪细胞不能复制自己。Now, fat cells can’t reproduce themselves.

我不知道这张相片能不能复制。I wonder if this photograph will reproduce.

他能用一种新方法复制一幅油画。He can reproduce a painting by a new method.

录音机将放出你的讲课录音。A tape-recorder w ill reproduce your lecture.

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再次仰起微笑,重现生活。Looked up and smile again, to reproduce life.

大部分的爬行动物通过在陆地上的卵蛋来繁殖。Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.

她能模仿二十多种鸟叫的声音。She can reproduce the call of over twenty birds.

动物是基因自我复制的工具。Animals are vehicles through which genes reproduce.

那你们都知道体内的细胞可以繁殖Well, you know that cells in our body can reproduce.

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在蚊子体内,这些寄生虫开始繁殖。Inside the mosquito the parasites begin to reproduce.

现在闭上眼睛,试着在脑海里重新画出它的样子。Now close your eyes and try to reproduce it mentally.

按理说,有些热带鱼靠产卵繁殖。By rights, some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs.